Customers will occasionally report issues with sign on/off boxes being grayed out and they can no longer edit the list by selecting specific users to be signed on/off. (also known to some customers as ask on/off or barrel in/out functionality which is not to be confused with “crew in a barrel”)
This is a fairly common issue if someone modifies the users on a sign on/off roster and does not use the actual sign on/off functionality. There is no warning message in the system that indicates what the issue could be, just that boxes in the sign on/off screens are grayed out and cannot be selected.
The reason that some of the boxes are grayed out is that the employee does not exist on the roster for the date range. This is likely because someone is modifying employees from certain future lists.
The problem was created when the lists do not match and then the checkboxes are checked --> this causes ARCOS to move the employees to the sign-on list, but then others grey out because the mismatch cannot put them back. Ex: Bill Brackett cannot be selected for any date after 6/9. He has grayed out checkboxes.

To rectify the issue, someone will need to go into each roster date that has grayed-out boxes on the Sign-off list and make sure the employees are on those lists.
In some cases, whether the two rosters are extremely mismatched, it is better to remove all employees entirely from the rosters and re-add them to do a fresh start.
All Employees must be deleted off the Ask-On & Ask-Off rosters.
You may run into an employee not being removed when checking Ask-On.
-------- You will need to manipulate the period so you can find the date in the future where ARCOS placed the employee and delete them there.
-------- Then check Sign-on again and make sure it says "No Employees"
Now you can set the Re-sequence dates to be the same.
Add Employees back to Ask-Off roster.
Things should be "Reset" now.
This is the only way to fix a mismatch.
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