Sticks are simply a way of counting how many times an employee has been called for a callout. Stick Counts are enabled via a sort preference, and when enabled, is used to sort list in ascending order by Sticks.
Stick counts are defined as the total credits and charges earned (including manual charge/credits and holdover credits) that can be tied to the employee's home location and primary class. The total is YTD through the current roster date of the list in question, minus the cutoff days, but includes only those charges/credits linked to the employee's current location and primary class.
The default functionality of sticks is to give an employee a stick when a callout opportunity occurs - if you are called you receive a stick.
Sticks are tracked and should align on the Availability Report as total callouts, total worked + total not worked = total callouts, which should equal the stick count IF sticks was implemented from the start/inception of that employees record - if the customer starts using sticks mid-year the stick counts and availability will most likely not match unless the sticks earned previous to implementing sticks are manually entered (see below - To Add or Remove Sticks).
Example of How Sticks works by home location and primary class.
I am on two rosters in my Home Location as a Lineman, one roster uses sticks, one roster is sorted by OT. I have 5 sticks. I accept or decline an OT callout. I received 1 stick for my response and for receiving the opportunity even though I wasn't called on the Sticks roster. I now have 6 sticks.
The Tiebreaker functionality forces the roster to behave a certain way when two employees on the roster have the same stick count. Ron Thompson and John Johnson both have 4 sticks, who is sorted higher on the roster? Tiebreakers can be seniority, alpha, etc.. If the Tiebreaker was alpha, John Johnson would be above Ron Thompson on the Sticks list because his last name Johnson comes first according to the Tiebreaker: Alpha.
To Add Tie Breaker options please contact ARCOS Support.
Charges and Credits
Sticks will present the employee with a Stick for all Results - make sure results like “Telephone - Out of Service” have the correct charge, credit, or excuse assigned. In the case below the employee was given a stick for a “Telephone - Out of Service” response.
Charging Logic
Charging logic can be adjusted to the following options:
- NoCCs
- CCs no apply to sticks
- Credit only
- Exc cross-loc
- No CCs+IgnAccept
- NoCCs cross-loc
When using any of the NoCC options be sure to test extensively and include checking the credits and charges, and the availability report. Please contact ARCOS Support if you are interested in making any changes regarding the above.
No Charges or Credits Roster Preference
The NoCC roster preference is a textbox that determines the way Charges, Credits, and Sick Counts are handled for the roster. Currently the NoCC roster preference supports 5 different variations of Charges, Credits, and Stick Counts.
- NoCC=1: Neither charges or credits are assigned.
Example: The callout has closed and the final results for all assigned employes are as follows: A declined, B received the Answering Machine result, C received the Employee not Home result, and D Accepted the callout. All four employees will receive an excused result with the response of "NoCC due to Roster Pref".
- NoCC=2: Charges/credits received when calling the roster, but Stick Counts are not affected.
Example: The callout has closed and the final results for all assigned employes are as follows: A declined, B received the Answering Machine result, C received the Employee not Home result, and D Accepted the callout. A, B, and C are charged for the callout and D receives a credit for the callout; but the employee's Stick Counts are not adjusted according to the results.
- NoCC=3: Employees will receive a Credit for Accepting but No Charges for Declines or other call results.
Example: The callout has closed and the final results for all assigned employes are as follows: A declined, B received the Answering Machine result, C received the Employee not Home result, and D Accepted the callout. A, B, and C will receive an excused result with the response of "NoCC due to Roster Pref", and D will receive a credit.
- NoCC=4: Charges and Credits are applied to the list, but employees are excused for a non-accept result if the list is called outside of it's location. (Employees are still given a credit if they accept a callout outside of the roster's location.)
Example: The list was rolled to from another location and has now closed. The final results for all assigned employes are as follows: A declined, B received the Answering Machine result, C received the Employee not Home result, and D Accepted the callout. A, B, and C will receive an excused result with the response of "NoCC due to Roster Pref", and D will receive a credit.
- NoCC=5: Credits and charges are not applied and accepts are ignored.
Example: If an employee declines on the first sequence, which has NoCC set to null, then accepts on the second sequence, with NoCC set to 5, the employee will receive a charged result for the callout and will not receive a credit. If an employee declines on the first sequence, which has NoCC set to null, then declines on the second sequence, with NoCC set to 5, the employee will receive a charged result. Employees who are only called on a sequence, with NoCC set to 5, will receive an excused result with the response of "NoCC due to Roster Pref" for any response.
If you wish to have the stick count reset on a certain frequency, resequencing is an option. For example, Company A resequences their Sticks Rosters every Thursday at 6:00AM, and then uses a pointer to move through the list during the week.
If you are interested in this functionaliy, please contact ARCOS Support and reference this document.
ListAdj works with Workgroup rosters
NewAdj works with Primary Class rosters
To add or remove sticks use Manual charge to correct – Employee, Manual Charge/Credit
Example: We started using Sticks mid year and I want people to have the correct stick count in ARCOS.
If an employee’s Stick count is incorrect (for whatever reason) - and it needs to be increased - that should be done via a Manual charge/credit. This will also work properly with “LastStick” b/c that will be an actual new “stick”.
To decrement a stick count making a correction to the callout response in question for the employee that was charged or credited and excusing the employee’s response will decrease the stick count.
When should a stick be incremented?
If the stick count should not increase until the Callout is complete and the employee has been released then the standard Callout will follow this logic.
Some customers want the stick count to be incremented the second the accept or decline or the opportunity is given.
We can do this using the Callout type attribute 1091- charge_pre Active is null, Value = 2
When the opportunity is given, the stick is incremented. If the callout goes to WAIT the stick is
still given. Be aware of this.
List Mint view or List Mint Roster Viewer displays stick counts but is not able to be saved:
Annual Reset
There is NOT an Annual Sticks count reset like the Overtime functionality has. The Standard Sticks functionality works with the job classification and location, so if an employees was moved to a new job classification or location the stick count would reset to 0.
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