ARCOS caller ID phone number shows as coming from China.
User reports that a call from ARCOS is showing up as coming from China. The number begins with 86, then a space, followed by the rest of the ARCOS phone number.

This is occurring because the Caller ID does not include the 1 United States country code. The country code could potentially be dropped by ARCOS, the user’s Service Provider, or somewhere along the telephony route. Without the 1 country code, the telephony system looks at the next digit to determine the country and 86 is China’s country code.
When you report these issues to ARCOS Support, please submit each call as a separate ticket and include the following:
Affected Employee’s Name
Callout ID
Number Called
Device Carrier (Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, etc)
Device Model (iPhone, Android, Pixel, etc.)
Mobile OS (Android Kit Kat, iOS 14, etc.)
Support will check our call logs to verify if ARCOS sent the country code when we initiated the call.
If we did not, we will open a bug with our Engineering team to correct the issue.
If we did and the call is within the past 24 hours, we will escalate to our Service Provider for them to investigate the telephony path.
🛈 Calls need to be submitted within 24 hours of their occurrence in order for our Service Providers to find and investigate the call. If the call is over 24 hours old, ARCOS Support will be unable to escalate that call example.
As always, we do recommend that you advise the user who was called to escalate to their carrier to investigate the issue, as the issue may not be on the ARCOS side of the call but could be with their carrier or somewhere else along the telephony route that is not controlled by ARCOS.
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