The Off Peak report displays rosters at a specific point in time based on location and list status. When a user access the page a report selector appears. The report selector determines which rosters will display on the page. The Off Peak page is used for updating a device’s preferred status and creating callouts. If a user remains on the Off Peak page without making changes, it will auto-refresh every 5 minutes.
Note: If the selected time is more than 5 minutes in the past, the Off Peak report will not display the most current information when the Refresh button is selected.
#: The Call Order number assigned to the employee.
Name: The employee’s last name followed by his/her the first name and nickname. The employee's name is also a link to the Employee Modify page for the employee, if the user has appropriate permissions.
Location: The location the employee resides in.
Classification: The employee’s assigned Primary Class.
Radio: The radio information entered on the employee’s record.
Status: The current availability status. (Example: Working – Normal Shift, Sick, and Available)
Comments: The Availability Comments entered on the employee’s record.
Phone/Type: All devices that are available to call by ARCOS for callouts and the type. Devices that do not have a Call Order number will not be listed. (Device Types: R= Regular Phone, C= Cell Phone, P= Pager) Listed devices are in the order they appear on the employee’s record and not in their Call Order sequence.
Phone Comment: The text entered in the Comment field below the device on the employee’s record.
Preferred?: If the Preferred? is checked ARCOS will call the device prior to calling the employee’s other devices. This logic is only applied if the callout is created from the Off Peak page.
To Generate the Off Peak Report
Click the Off Peak button on the List Mnt tab.
Select the Locations, Callout Lists,
and List Statuses to view.
Click the Generate Report button, to display the report in the same window, -OR-
Click the Generate in New Window button, to leave the current window open and display the report in a new window, -OR-
Click the Reset button, to clear currently selected search criteria and return the selector to default settings, -OR-
Click the Save button, to save the report. See Saving a Report for more information on this functionality.
Uncheck the Preferred checkbox next to a user’s device to remove the preferred status from the device.
Note: ARCOS will automatically save any changes made to a device’s preferred status and display a saved successfully message.
To Create a Callout from the Off Peak Page
Complete steps 1-4 from the above.
Click the Create Callout button for the desired list.
Enter an Event Number in the pop-up.
Click OK on the pop-up. The Manual Bypass page displays.
Click the Add New Class/WG button to add another list to the callout.
Note: Any additional sub-callouts added will observe the employees’ Preferred Device settings.
Make any changes to the Callout Definition section.
Click the Initiate Callout button to initiate the callout. ARCOS will begin calling employees.
An example of the Off Peak page.
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