The Edit Overtime Hours page allows overtime hours to be entered or modified for the selected date for all employees within the current location. Clicking the sort link at the top of a column will sort employees by the column; the columns include Employee Name, Primary Class, or Grand Total.
A asterisk (*) beside the number of hours indicates that the hours are from a date other than the one selected in the dropdown window at the top of the screen. Mouse over the hours to view a pop-up that displays the effective date and time for the hours. (The effective date is the last date the hours were updated.) A two asterisks (**) beside the number of hours indicates the employee has no hours recorded in this database on any date.
Current Value: The total number of hours (cumulative) the employee has prior to the selected date.
Add Amount: The number of hours the employee will receive for the selected date.
New Value: The new total of overtime hours that will be applied to the next list. (Current Value + Add Amount)
Grand Total: The same total as the New Value column.
To Update an Employee’s Overtime Hours
Click the Edit OT Hours button on the List Mnt tab. The Edit Overtime Hours page displays.
Select the date from the dropdown that the hours effect.
Enter overtime hours in the Add Amount column for necessary employees.
Note: If new hours have not been save, the Add Amount box will be highlighted yellow for all employees who have new hours.
Click the Save and Sort Rosters button to save the updated hours.
Note: The Delete Set button deletes all overtime hours entered for the selected date and location.
Note: The Zero Out button resets the count for cumulative overtime hours starting with the selected date. For example, if 06/19/2011 00:00 is the selected date and the Zero Out button is clicked, the hours entered for 06/19/2011 will be the total hours for that week. All overtime hours prior to 06/19/2011 will be saved for reference but will not be included with future overtime hours.
Click here for an example of the Edit Overtime Hours screen.
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