The Rosters & Chains report allows you to view all sequences of a roster on the same page. The Rosters & Chains report uses the following filters: location, date range, roster class(es) - (Optional) and list status (es) - (optional).
To Generate the Rosters & Chains Report
Click the Rosters & Chains button on the List Mnt tab. The Rosters & Chains selection screen displays.
Select the location(s) to report on.
Note: You can click and drag or <Ctrl> + click to the select multiple business units, divisions, or OpCenters.
Select the desired roster list(s).
Note: You can click and drag or <Ctrl> + click to select multiple roster classes.
Select the List Status(es) to view
Note: You can click and drag or <Ctrl> to click to select multiple roster list statuses.
Click the Generate Report button, to display the report in the same window, -OR-
Click the Generate in New Window, to leave the current window open and display the report in a new window - OR -
Click the Save button, to save the report. See Saving a Report for more information on this functionality.
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