Assign Major Events allows users to assign employees to a Major Event based on their list status or by location.
When an employee is assigned to a Major Event, a schedule record is created for them in ARCOS called Assigned Major Event, this is an auto extending record that is updated and maintained in RoD via WSI.
The Assigned Major Event exception will make employees unavailable for callouts.
Note: Employees must have a RoD work location defined before they can be assigned to a Major Event.
To Assign Employees to Major Event
Note: A Major Event must be configured in the RoD system before employees can be assigned to a Major Event.
Click the Assign Major Event button on the List Mnt tab. The Assign Major Events screen displays.
Click the Assign by Location button and proceed to step 3, - OR -
Click the Assign by Config Class button and skip to step 4.
Select Company, Business Unit, Region, and Office (Level 1, 2, 3, and 4) the employees are in and skip to step 5.
Select Company, Business Unit, Region, Office (Level 1, 2, 3, and 4), Callout Class(es), and Roster List Status(es).
Click the Submit button. A list of employees in the selected location (and lists) display with a Select Event dropdown.
Select the Major Event from the Select Event dropdown.
Note: Only Major Events that are currently active in RoD will be available.
Select the time and date employees will begin their assignment.
Note: This can be a time up to 1 hour in the past and up to 48 hours in the future.
Click the checkbox in the Select column for all employees that will work the event at the selected time.
Note: If your system has the Select RoD Work Location dropdown, select the RoD work location from the dropdown prior to checking the Select box for an employee. Doing this will auto change the RoD work location for all selected employees.
Click the employee’s RoD Work Location to change their RoD work location for the event, if necessary.
If your company has the option, select what the RoD team's home head quarters should be—Company, District or Service Center.
Click the Submit button once all changes have been made. A message indicating the assignment was successful displays.
Note: If you assign more than 100 users at a time, a message displays that indicates the number of employees you have selected and that the processing will continue in the background.
Click OK to close the dialog box. The information updates the ARCOS schedule information and a confirmation page displays with the list of selected employees. Click OK on the pop-up that appears on this page.
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