New Crew Manager Enhancements
Updated Filter Set Modal
What is changing:
ARCOS has updated the Filter Set Modal in Crew Manager to address styling issues that would occur while resizing such as alignment and text overlapping.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Crew Manager customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
New Platform Enhancements
Enhanced Daily OT Page Appearance
What is changing:
ARCOS has updated the look of the Start of Year buttons found on the Daily OT page within the List Maintenance module to enhance legibility.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
New API Enhancements
Added sMART API Endpoint
What is changing:
An API endpoint has been added to sMART API endpoint which returns a list of the newest crew location data for all active crews for a customer.
How to use in QA:
Basic Auth
NOTE: In order to use the PROD URL, replace “qa” with “prod” in the address:
Who is involved:
All ARCOS sMART API customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
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