New Callout Enhancements
Enhanced Callout Crew Templates
What is changing:
ARCOS has enhanced the process of selecting a Crew Template after initiating a Callout. When a Crew Template is selected after a Callout has already been initiated, once the update is Saved, this change will push the accepts to the Callout and drive the creation of a crew, eliminating the need to manually create the new Crew.
If the Crew Template is edited after initiation, the initial Crew and its Attributes will completely be removed and replaced with the Attributes associated with the new Crew. Attributes from the first Crew will not be displayed unless shared amongst the two Crew Templates. Once a member of the replaced crew is removed from the Callout, their Callout record is ended. Crew Templates cannot be modified on a Callout in the Closed status.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Callout customers with Crew Manager and Crew Templates will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
New sMART Enhancements
Launch of Convoys To Crews to Integrate With Crew Manager
What is changing:
ARCOS is excited to roll out new Convoys to Crews functionality to existing sMART and Crew Manager customers. This enhancement leverages integration between sMART and Crew Manager to streamline the transition from tracking convoys in sMART to managing crews in Crew Manager.
To create the association between the two modules, a new Resource Type has been added within Crew Manager, ActiveLogin, with the attributes displayed in the image below.
Once an active login Resource Type is assigned to a crew, through an API endpoint, the Crew Name is sent to the sMART module and is displayed in the Crew Name column of the Active Crews Report allowing users to view other relevant information such as Company, Destination, Distance Traveled, etc.
More information can be found on the ARCOS OSCAR portal Online documentation under the sMART module.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS sMART and Crew Manager customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
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