This KB will review the Super Class Config option located on the Admin page for a Workgroup. Please Note: Not all companies have this functionality set up in ARCOS. Please contact ARCOS Support if you are interested in adding this functionality.
Super Class Config allows users to automatically add employees to a roster based off their classification and location.
Super Class Config – Based solely on the Primary Classification and Employee Location. You will want to have a Workgroup already created in the system.
1. Select Super Class Config
2. The Super Class Config Page Opens
3. Select the Location and Classification you want on each roster. (You will have to select one of each and hit Save for a new line to appear.)
4. If desired, you may put in Sort Pref options into the roster. This will put all employees that meet the requirement of each line for the roster and will maintain that order. This would most likely be used if you wanted your highest-class employees called first. The roster will then follow the callout rules on the Admin page to determine sorting information within those Sort Pref options.
5. Once you select Save SuperClass Config the order will change on the screen to put them in the proper Sort Pref.
6. Your list will now be order first by Sort Pref then by your roster rules (SenSort, OT Hours, Union Date, etc.)
Items to Note –
- The roster will update the order if one of the following occurs…
- Save SuperConfig Button is selected.
- A data load occurs in the system.
- A Resequence date is applied and the resequence date passes.
- Callout Options CAN be utilized with the list.
- If no Sort Pref options are applied, then the roster will sort based off the sort Options no matter the location or classification.
- This is NOT considered a chained roster. It is considered a single Workgroup.
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