After Callout Single Sign-On Config Admin has been enabled in your system, there are steps that will
need to be taken in order to give your employees the ability to login to ARCOS via Single Sign-On.
To give users the ability to login to ARCOS via Single Sign-On, begin by logging into ARCOS and going to
Sys Admin > Security and click the modify link for any security group you wish to give Single Sign-On
login access to.
The security group will need the following items enabled to be able to login via SSO successfully:
● Web Login Access - this gives users base level ARCOS application login access.
● Single Sign-On Login Access - this gives users the ability to login via Single Sign-On
Clicking the checkbox next to these items and then clicking the Save button on this page will grant
members of this security group the ability to perform these actions, HOWEVER, ARCOS will not prompt
users to login via Single Sign-On until it has been enabled in SSO / SAML Config Admin.
At the ARCOS Admin level, under Sys Admin > SSO Config, you will see SSO / SAML Config Admin.
SSO can be configured without being enabled. The Enable SSO / SAML radio button group identifies
whether ARCOS will attempt to have the user login via SSO. Users will only be able to login via SSO if
this is set to ON.
The Identity Provider (IdP) - Customer SSO Service section is where you or your technical support will
need to enter information in order to configure ARCOS to communicate with your IdP service.
● Idp SAML Metadata: (optional) - this is extraneous data which may or may not be included with
SAML Authentication requests.
● IdP SAML Endpoint URL - the URL which SAML Authentication requests should be directed to.
● IdP SAML Binding - this identifies the type of HTTP binding the IdP allows. Typically, HTTP-POST
is used and HTTP Redirect may not be allowed.
● AuthnRequestsSigned - this identifies whether ARCOS will sign Authentication Requests.
● IdP SAML Entity ID - this identifies the issuer element in Authentication Responses.
● IdP Public Cert - the public certificate used to validate Authentication Responses from the IdP.
● Username element - this, by default, is NameID, if Attribute is selected, then the name of the
element containing the user's Web ID must be provided (this is cAsE sEnSiTiVe).
● SSO Logout URL - this is the URL users are directed to when they log out of ARCOS.
Below this, we have the Service Provider (SP) (ARCOS Application) section. This section is
non-configurable and only to be referred to as needed.
Once the desired configuration has been made to this page, the changes can be implemented by clicking
the Submit button. If SSO is enabled without users having the appropriate SSO login security
permission enabled, they will still be able to login with their normal ARCOS Web ID and password.
After Single Sign-On has been enabled for your ARCOS system, users will be prompted to login via SSO.
The user is not required to take any action when they see this screen if they are logging into ARCOS via
SSO. ARCOS will load briefly and the user's authentication request will be submitted to the IdP. Once
ARCOS receives and processes a response, they will be logged into ARCOS as normal or they will be
prompted to login through their IdP.
If your company uses Microsoft for an IdP and they are not logged into the account when they
attempt to login to ARCOS, they will be redirected to a Microsoft login page and expected to login
with their company credentials. After this they would be redirected to ARCOS and logged into
If a user does not have SSO Login access but does have an ARCOS account with Web Login access, they
may login with their ARCOS account credentials by clicking the Non-SSO button that appears. Users
who are able to login via SSO will, as a result, be able to login with their Web ID and password. There
is NOT currently a way to configure ARCOS to allow employees to ONLY login via SSO.
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