This article covers details regarding loader troubleshooting and understanding of loader warnings & errors. Additionally, it provides general troubleshooting steps based upon the specific warnings & errors displayed upon either a failed load (full file) or failed record (single employee record).
Viewing Load Results
To review the result of recent files load within the ARCOS Platform, go to Sys Admin > Loader > View Load Results and select the appropriate Search Range and File Type. Once done, select “Search” to display a list of all uploaded files that meet the search criteria.
To review the results of recent files load via the ARCOS API, conduct a GET request to the below URL:
- Only allowed for ARCOS REST API customers
- {{env}} should be set to either “prod” or “qa”
- You may restrict the search results to a specific range by adding startDate and endDate parameters
- This call will only return files between January 1, 2022 @ 00:01AM and February 28, 2022 @ 11:59PM.
API Results will be formatted like below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<loadResult loadId="1760" filename="SERVICES-HRI1-SERVICES-202207141100.txt" type="HRI1" date="07/14/2022 11:11:42" loadedBy="Ian Doub" dataRows="1" success="1" warning="0" failure="0" result="Load completed successfully" inProgress="false"/>
Both processes will return the following information for loader files:
- File Name = Name of the file
- Type = Type of file (HRI, OTI, CMW, etc.)
- Date = Upload date & time of the file
- Loaded By = Name of user who loaded the file
- If “Data Loader”, this is a file loaded by the ARCOS system, API, or SFTP
- Data Rows = Number of rows within the file containing data
- Success = Number of successfully loaded rows within the file
- Warning = Number of rows with invalid or unmatching data
- Failure = Number of rows with incorrectly formatted or missing data
- Result = Result for the entire file load
- In Progress = Is the load in progress or not
Investigating Full File Failures
If a file fails to load in entirety, it will still appear on the Load Results page within ARCOS. The “Results” column will give an explanation as to what caused the file to fail. Below is a list of typical full file failures and the most common solutions:
Input file is older than 6.75 days
- ISSUE: The date in the header row of the file is more than 6.75 days old
- SOLUTION: Update the date in the header and try reloading the file
Problem in validation: not a valid month
- ISSUE: The date in the header row does not contain a valid month
- SOLUTION: Update the date and try reloading the file
Problem in validation: not a valid day
- ISSUE: The date in the header row does not contain a valid day range (0-31)
- SOLUTION: Update the date and try reloading the file
Problem in validation: hour must be between 0 and 23
- ISSUE: The time in the header row does not contain a valid hour (0-23)
- SOLUTION: Update the time and try reloading the file
Problem in validation: minutes must be between 0 and 59
- ISSUE: The time in the header row does not contain a valid minute (0-59)
- SOLUTION: Update the date and try reloading the file
load_hri:input value not long enough for date format
- ISSUE: The date and time in the header does not match the expected format
- SOLUTION: Update the date and time to the correct format and try reloading the file
Invalid Company
- ISSUE: The schema abbreviation in the header does not match your company
- SOLUTION: Update the header with the correct schema abbreviation and try reloading the file
Invalid attribute type
- ISSUE: An invalid attribute type was provided within the file and ARCOS cannot match it to the correct attribute
- SOLUTION: Review the file and ensure that the attributes provided exists within the system.
Invalid Vehicle attribute
- ISSUE: An invalid vehicle attribute was provided within the file
- SOLUTION: Review the file and ensure that the vehicle attribute provided exists within the system.
Failed rowcount validation
- ISSUE: The number of data rows included “Record Count” field of the header does not match the number of data rows found in the file
- SOLUTION: Update the “Record Count” field in the header to match the number of data rows provided and try reloading the file
Investigating Specific Employee Warnings & Failures
Specific records incorrectly formatted may result in either a warning or a failure to that specific file row. A warning indicates that the record uploaded, however a specific column value does not match an acceptable value. A failure indicates that the row failed to upload due to missing, incomplete, or incorrectly formatted data. Both warnings and failures will display a description of the issue within the specific row’s result.
To view record issues, go to Sys Admin > Loader > View Load Results and search for the file in question. On the search results page, it will display a number under the Warning or Failure columns indicating how many specific employee records within the file encountered an issue. Select the number (if greater than 0) to view the specific problematic records:
Once selected, the Load Details for the specific problematic record will display and the Warning/Failure reason will appear within the Result column.
The Result column will indicate which column the error occurred in and the reason.
Specific record Warnings and Failures can be obtained via the API by conducting a GET Request to the below URL:
- Only allowed for ARCOS REST API customers
- {{env}} should be set to either “prod” or “qa”
- {{loadId}} should be set to the specific Load ID for the file in question
- To obtain the Load ID for a specific file, conduct a GET request to the loader/results outlined at the beginning of this guide.
ARCOS Support Assistance
If you have questions or the above information does not answer a specific question regarding your loader file issue, please contact ARCOS Support for further assistance. To expedite the process, please include the following information in your Support Inquiry:
For files loaded via the web:
- Date & Time of file loading
- Name of file
- Error message (if applicable)
- Description of the issue
- Attachment of file loaded
For files loaded via the API:
- Date & Time of file loading
- Name of file
- API Path used
- Error message (if applicable)
- Attachment of file loaded
For files loaded via SFTP:
- Date & Time the file was made available
- Name of file
- Date & Time the file was intended to load
- Date & Time of next scheduled file load
- Error message (if applicable)
- Description of the issue
- Attachment of file loaded
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