When an employee's normal shift falls on a holiday, that employee is considered available by ARCOS.
If an employee is to work on that holiday, you must indicate this in the Schedule Record Modify window. Holidays appear in pink and normal shifts on holidays appear in gray. See Employee Schedule Selectors for information on using the filters. Use this method if you only have one or two employees to which you need to assign a holiday shift. If you have more than one employee to assign, see the Holiday Admin page for instructions on assigning multiple employees at once to a holiday.
To Modify a Schedule Record for a Holiday
Click the Schedule tab. The Schedule screen displays.
Click either 1 Day View, 7 Day View or 14 Day View. The appropriate Day View displays.
Apply any of the filters, as appropriate, to locate the employees to which you wish to assign a record.
Click the shift record for the holiday. The Schedule Record Modify pop-up displays.
Select the Holiday - Does employee work? checkbox located in the Additional Info table.
Adjust the Start and End dates and times, if necessary, using either the Calendar icon or a combination of the double and single plus and minus links and the Duration set information.
Click Save & Close. The active Normal Shift displays in black.
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