The Inactive roster preference is a textbox that allows a time frame to be set for when a list is not available for callouts. The textbox supports two different formats Dhhmm-Dhhmm and D…Dhhm-hhmm, where "D' is for Day and "hhmm" is for Hour and Minutes in 24-hour time.
Use the following abbreviations for the days of the week:
Sunday = Su
Monday = M
Tuesday = T
Wednesday = W
Thursday = R
Friday = F
Saturday = Sa
The Dhhmm-Dhhmm format is used to set an uninterrupted period the list will be considered inactive.
For example, F1700-M0700 means the list is unavailable for callout starting Friday at 17:00 until Monday at 07:00.
The D…Dhhmm-hhmm format is used to set a pattern to when the list is unavailable for callouts; this period will not be a solid block of time and can be set for multiple days.
For example, FSaSuM0700-1900 means on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday the list will be unavailable during the hours of 07:00 until 19:00.
Note: If multiple ranges are required, insert a comma after the first range then enter the second range. The Inactive roster preference supports up to 30 character so only two ranges maybe entered.
Example: If an on-call list is used for during the day on the weekends and a different on-call list is used for the evening hours during the weekend, the multiple time ranges can be set for the Inactive roster preference to assure the correct list is used for the selected time frame. If the weekend day list should be used for callouts from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm Saturday and Sunday, then Sa2000-Su0700,Su2000-Sa07000 can be entered in the Inactive roster preference to make the list available for callouts during the correct times.
See Exclude Inactive on the Callout Definition page for more details about callout affecting functionality.
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