Bid Line Preference Sets can be used to set up your bid exactly the way you want to see it. If you came to this page directly, you may want to start at the beginning of the Bid Line Preference Sets help, by clicking here.
Let's see some examples:
Example One:
Justan Example has a girlfriend who works nights, and life is easier if he works the late shift too. He doesn't like 'Bagroom' shifts, but likes working 'Ramp' and 'Motorpool' shifts. Both Justan and his girlfriend like going out on the weekends though, so he wants to have Friday and Saturdays off. There is an upcoming bid in RosterApps, and he wants to be awarded a bid line that reflects what his situation is.
So Justan logs into RosterApps, and clicks on the 'BIDDING' tab. On that page, he looks for the link that says "Manage Default Bid Preferences" and clicks on it. On the next page, Justan clicks on the link 'Create New Bid Preference Set'. He enters the name 'Example One', and sets an effective date of 12/01. The work group he is in has a new bidding window which opens later that week. The next screen appears in RosterApps, and Justan selects the 'Add Preference' button.
First off, Justan wants shifts that start at 7pm or later, so he makes a 'Start Time Range' selection of 19:00 (7pm) to 00:00 (midnight). Remember that selecting 00:00 as the end of your time frame tells RosterApps that you want it to end with the start of the next day.
Next, he selects to have Friday and Saturday off. This selection will first show him bid lines in the new bid package whose days off include *both* Friday and Saturday.
Lastly, Justan selects just the two skills for the shifts that he likes, Ramp and Motorpool. Now he clicks on the 'Create' button to save his preference listing. See Figure 008240:
Justan puts his most restrictive listing first. This one looks for shifts starting from 7pm to midnight, with Friday and Saturday off each week, and requiring either the Ramp or the Motorpool skill.
Now Justan sees that he has one preference listed for this set.
Here is the first preference listed.
Justan could stop there, but you can have many preferences listed. The most restrictive preference (the one with the most conditions for matching), should be listed first. The next preference you list should have less restrictions. Justan thinks about his choices, and determines that he would still be interested in seeing shifts that started a little earlier, say perhaps 4pm. He still wants Friday and Saturday off, and doesn't want to work the bagroom. So, he clicks on the 'Add Preference' button, as shown below.
Click on the 'Add Preference' button to add your next preference.
Now Justan makes his Start Time Range selection again, but this time, he expands his range include shifts with starting times from 16:00 to 00:00. He still wants Friday and Saturday off, and he still wants to work with a Ramp shift or a Motorpool shift. His new bid preference selection screen looks like in image below.
The next preference settings. Expanding the start time range from 7pm to 4pm.
He then clicks on the 'Create' button and RosterApps now lists his second preference, as shown below.
RosterApps now lists Justan's second preference in this set, at position #2.
From here, Justan wants to see bid lines that have shifts that start between 7pm and midnight, but that must have Saturday off. So, he selects to 'Add Preference' and makes his selections again. This time, he specifies a Start Time Range of 1900 to 0000, but now he selects just one day off - Saturday, and then the two skills he is interested in (Ramp and Motorpool).
Justan's third preference for the set.
This latest preference will show Justan any bid line whose shifts start between 7pm and midnight, which has Saturday off, and which calls for either Ramp or Motorpool as the skill. So, he has tightened up his starting time range, removed the requirement that a bid line have *both* Friday and Saturday off, and kept the requirement for either a 'motorpool' or a 'ramp' skill listed.
Next, Justan wants to see similar shifts to the preference he just listed, but he wants to see about bid lines that have Friday off at least. Now, Justan clicks on the 'Add Preference' button, and this time he selects for 1900 to midnight, Friday as a day off, and either 'ramp' or 'motorpool' as the required skill.
Figure 008290: The fourth preference Justan saves looks for bid lines with Friday off instead of Saturday.
So now, Justan has a good start for his preference set. He decides to add two more preferences, where he loosens up the start times for his third and fourth preferences to allow for shifts that start at 4pm or later. See Figure 008300:
Preferences 5 and 6, expanding the start time to 4pm and alternating looking for either Friday or Saturday off.
Don't forget to click on the 'Save Preferences" button to save your inputs in RosterApps. You can save your preference choices and changes at any time. If you don't see a 'Save Preferences' button, then RosterApps has a saved version since your last change.
Next, Justan wants to list preferences that have shifts starting at noon, he doesn't want to work any before that. He still would like to get Friday and Saturday off, and he still doesn't want to work bagroom. So, he inputs three new preference listings. First, with the shift start times ranging from noon to midnight, with *both* Friday and Saturday off. He then inputs two more preference listings, one looking for bid lines with Saturday off, and then one looking for bid lines with Friday off.
Preference listings 7, 8 and 9. These relax the start time range back to noon. First looking for both Friday and Saturday off, then just Saturday, then just Friday.
Lastly, Justan thinks that he would be willing to take any ramp or motorpool bid line, so long as it had Friday and Saturday off. He adds another preference, this time not specifying a starting time range, selecting both Friday and Saturday off, and that all the shifts of the bid line need to be either ramp or motorpool listed as the required skill.
Finally, Justan determines he will take any bid line that calls for either Ramp or Motorpool which has Friday and Saturday off.
The very last thing that Justan does is to make sure that he clicks on the 'Save Preferences' button. Then he clicks on the 'Return Home' button and sees that he now has two listed preference sets. His new one, he has established to take effect on 12/01 of this year, when the new bid comes out.
Justan's preference set titled 'Example One' set to take effect 12/01.
At this point Justan doesn't have to do anything else. He can come back to his preference set at any time and make modifications. He can copy one set of preferences and then alter it. He can switch up the 'Effective Date' of sets so that he can see how it affects his listings of bid lines during his bidding process.
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