This feature, found in the Sys Admin module, is not used by all companies within ARCOS. Crew Maintenance allows you to keep a list of company crew information up-to-date. The table found on the Crew Maintenance screen displays information about each crew, including:
Order: User-entered number that allows you to assign a sort order to each crew. Used in conjunction with the Sort Crews button at the bottom of the screen, this allows you to sort the crews in any order you wish by assigning a different order number to each crew.
Crew - the name of the crew that was entered when the crew was created using the Create New Crew function.
Type - the type of crew that was assigned when it was created using the Create New Crew function. Crew Types are established in the Crew Type Administration screen.
Perm Location - location assigned to the crew when it was established. For example, it could be the home location of the crew leader.
Work Location - a location which is editable when the Crew is working a callout. For some companies, this location is disabled and not editable.
Veh Ph/Radio - this is an informational field entered when the Crew is created.
Status - indicates whether the crew is Active or Inactive.
Perm Members - lists the permanent members assigned to the crew.
Edit - allows editing of the crew attributes.
You can search the list by location or by active or inactive crews by clicking the Search button, create new crews by clicking the Create New Crew button, or also edit information about a crew by clicking the edit button. Clicking the Sort Crews button does an alpha-numeric sort of the listed crews. The resulting sort order will be reflected in the various places in ARCOS where a dropdown selection occurs for selecting a Crew. Currently, this includes the Schedule Record Modify and the Employee Modify pages.
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