There may be circumstances that require you to stop a callout before it has filled all requested positions. For example, the job has gone into Wait status (Callout statuses ) but it is determined the number of accepted positions is adequate for the work to be done. Rather than allow ARCOS to call more employees, you wish to stop the callout. In order to stop a callout, you must first stop the child (sub) callouts.
To Stop an Open Callout
Click the Callout tab. The Callout screen displays.
Click View. The View Open Callouts screen displays. If the callout is in Wait status, skip to Step 7.
Click edit in the Callout ID column of the callout you wish to resubmit. The Callout Edit Page for that callout displays.
Click Alternate Action. The list of available options displays in the Select an Action pop-up.
Select Stop from the action list. The button in the Action column changes to Stop.
Click Stop in the Action column and the callout is stopped.
Click the Stop checkbox on the View Open Callouts page.
Click the Submit button. ARCOS stops the callout.
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