Feature | Enable employees to cancel pending Time Off even after the shift has started |
Description |
Prior to the enhancement, an employee with an approved Paid Time Off shift could not request to cancel that shift once the shift started (even if the “Min Hours Before Paid Time Off Request” rule setting was zero). Now, there are two settings for the minimum hours: one for prior to shift start and one for prior to shift end.
Only one rule will apply and the first (“Before Shift Start”) has precedence. It is important to note that the settings apply to requests for time off and requests to cancel approved time off. |
Test Notes | To test the rule, you will need to edit the Paid Time Off Rule Set you are using. First, try basing the request cut-off on the start time of the shift by entering a non-zero value in the first setting. Then, test based on the end of the shift by putting zero in the first setting and a non-blank (could even be zero) value in the second setting. You will need to be cognizant of the current local time for the location you are using to test. Test both requests for time off and requests to cancel approved time off. |
Feature | Shift Management: Break information showing wrong in the Unassigned shifts grid |
Description | Prior to the fix, shifts on the Shift Management page which had floating breaks of 2 hours and 30 minutes or longer were showing incorrectly. That issue has been fixed. |
Test Notes | On the Shift Management page (as supervisor), create shifts with floating breaks of various lengths (less than 2.5 hours, 2.5 hours, and more than 2.5 hours) and verify that the shift information displayed (after creation) is correct. |
Feature | Employees [Supervisor]+My Calendar: Tag ‘Claimed’ not showing for the remaining shift on the calendar after approving partial time-off |
Description | When an employee claims an open shift from the trade board, it displays a “claimed” tag on the employee’s calendar. Prior to the fix, if the employee requested partial time off for the shift and was approved, the “claimed” tag was displayed for the approved time off segment but not the other (remaining work) segment. |
Test Notes | As an employee, claim an open shift from the trade board (verify that the “claimed” tag is present after claiming) and then request a partial length of time off for that shift. Log in as a supervisor for that employee and approve the time off request. Look at the employee’s calendar (should do as both the supervisor and the employee) and verify that both segments now have the “claimed” tag. |
Feature | Include breaks on “Simple Multi Skill Duty Roster” |
Description | Previously, the Simple Multi Skill Duty Roster report did not display break information. Now, there is a “Break” column that displays the break (or “NB” in the case of no break). |
Test Notes | As Supervisor, select to run the Simple Multi Skill Duty Roster report and view the Break column. Test with shifts with no break, a floating break, and a fixed break. |
Feature | LOA totals report |
Description | A “Total Hours” column was added for the “Approved Time Off” report. |
Test Notes | Run the report for various date ranges and reason codes and verify that the number at the bottom in the new column is a sum of the individual records. It might be easier to output the report to Excel and do a sum on the Hours column. |
Feature | Bidding with Skills |
Description | Employees can now bid for lines regardless of their skills. A page will be available as a link under Available Actions for the bid for “Employee Skill Conflicts” that will show the employee which skills the employee doesn’t have but was included in a preference. If the conflicts are not addressed (by assigning the skill), the award process can not be run. |
Feature | Accrual Accounts, Absent Reasons, PTO Reasons, Overtime Reasons, Unauthorized Hours Reasons, and Qualifications by Location |
Description | The Company Administrator can now indicate which of the above-listed reason codes are available at the Location level. |
Test Notes | As Company Administrator, use the appropriate links for the locations list to add and remove the various reason codes in a sample of locations and see that those selections are reflected in the dropdown lists and displays for supervisors and employees at the location(s) NOTE: Please let us know if you would like us to run a script to add all the reasons to each location as a starting point and you can remove those as appropriate. |
Feature | Shift Improvement Applied to Multiple Work Groups |
Description | When creating a shift improvement bid for an existing bid package, the user will have the option of selecting other work groups (in addition to the workgroup that owns the bid package – the “base” work group) to participate. If someone from outside the base work group is awarded a line, upon finalization of the bid award process, the employee will be transferred to the base work group and awarded the new line. |
Test Notes | Create various test shift improvements and include from none to multiple additional work groups. Have employees from both the base and additional work groups bid (set up the test so that at least some are awarded) and then run and finalize the process to see the updates to lines and (if from outside work group) transfers. |
Feature | Open Time Availability Request Report |
Description | Issues corrected with one-day report duration requests that cross over midnight, and multiple records for the same employee for multiple skills. |
Test Notes | Run the Open Time Availability Requests report and verify if the data is as expected. |
Feature | Enhance Validation on the OTSignUp Page |
Description | Corrected issue where a value too large for either Minimum Hours or Maximum Hours throws an exception. |
Test Notes | As an employee, sign up for various open time availability and verify that an error isn’t reached when putting invalid durations as compared to the window requested. |
Feature | One-Way Trade Report |
Description | A report was created to show all one-way trades that fit the request parameters. |
Test Notes | As Supervisor, select the “One-Way Trades Report” from the report list run for various parameter selections, and validate results are as expected. |
Feature | Qualifications – Ability to manage qualifications in RosterApps that feed Information in Real-time |
Description | For the purpose of integration with an outside system for day-of task assignments, the user can now add qualifications and assign them to individual employees. |
Test Notes | At the Company Administrator level, click on the Qualifications tab and add sample qualifications. Then, select a desired location and (on the locations tab, using the qualifications link) add the qualifications to that location. Then at the Location Administrator level, click on the Work Groups tab and then the “Add Qualification For Employees” link for a workgroup and add the various qualifications (you can also add them to the employee via the Edit Qualifications link when editing an individual employee). Verify that the updates were made. |
Feature | Cost Centers – Ability to add cost center IDs and assign them to work groups |
Description | For reporting purposes, the user can create cost centers and assign them to the various work groups. |
Test Notes | As a Company Administrator, click on the Cost Centers link and add some cost centers. Then at the Location Administrator level, select to edit a sample of work groups and add the cost center for the work group using the dropdown list. Make sure to create and edit work groups with and without cost centers assigned to test the various cases. |
Feature | Shift Rule to limit the number of one-way trades in a month. Can limit count to original shifts. Can reduce count if traded back to the original employee |
Description |
There are new Shift Rule set settings to set limits on the number of one-way trades that an employee can use to trade away shifts: These settings are found in the section related to One Way Trades. The count relates to a calendar month. |
Test Notes | As Company Administrator, edit a shift rule set to turn on and off the various settings and test the options to see that it blocks the employee from initiating (or another employee trading to the employee) a one-way trade if the limit has been reached. |
Feature | Shift Rule to limit the number of two-way trades in a month. Can limit count to original shifts. Can reduce count if traded back to the original employee |
Description |
There are new Shift Rule set settings to set limits on the number of two-way trades that an employee can use to trade away shifts: These settings are found in the section related to Two Way Trades. The count relates to a calendar month. |
Test Notes | As Company Administrator, edit a shift rule set to turn on and off the various settings and test the options to see that it blocks the employee from initiating (or another employee trading to the employee) a one-way trade if the limit has been reached. |
Feature | Shift rule set to limit the number of combined one-way and two-way trades in a month. Can limit count to original shifts. Can reduce count if traded back to the original employee |
Description |
There are new Shift Rule set settings to set limits on the combined number of one-way and two-way trades that an employee can use to trade away shifts: These settings are found in their own section under the Two Way Trades section. The count relates to a calendar month. |
Test Notes | As Company Administrator, edit a shift rule set to turn on and off the various settings and test the options to see that it blocks the employee from initiating (or another employee trading to the employee) a one-way or two-way trade if the limit has been reached. |
Feature | Added the ability to penalize an employee who has declined to accept an open shift |
Description | For those organizations which penalize employees who decline assignment of an open shift when the employee is “up” to be assigned, the user (Supervisor) can indicate that the shift hours should be added to the employee’s overtime bank. That way, when the list of employees is pulled up for the next open shift, the penalized employee will be moved down (assuming OT Bank balance is used in the sort). |
Test Notes |
As Location Administrator, click on the Settings tab and select Edit Shift Assignment Columns and then in the “General” section there are two checkboxes: The second check box becomes visible if the first is selected. The first setting makes the option available on the shift assignment page. The second setting makes the option at the top of the list: Set to checked on by default (this option results in the hours added to anyone who had no conflict but was listed higher on the list than the selected employee). Try various options of adding the hours to the employees individually or use the option to assign to all above the selected. Verify that the hours are added to the proper employees’ OT Bank accounts. |
Feature |
Added a message regarding standard billing rates when an employee opts in for text messages |
Description |
Now, when the employee selects to receive text messages, they will see the following warning message: |
Test Notes |
As an employee, select to edit “My Profile” and check the option to receive text messages and see that the message is displayed. |
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