RAPD-2122 - Removing UTO from Homepage and Drop-Down
ARCOS has updated the Request as UTO option, available to Supervisors when selecting an Employee's shift. A checkbox has been added to the top of the Edit UTO Rule Sets page allowing Company Administrators to enable or disable this option. When the "Allow scheduled shift to be requested as unscheduled time off" box is checked, functionality remains the same.
When unchecked, the options to allowing Employees and Supervisors on their behalf, to request UTO will be hidden, removing this request option from the menu on the calendar for both.
RAPD-3026 - Time Card Display for Employees That Have Changed Locations
Applicable for customers using RosterApps for Payroll (Time & Attendance): ARCOS has enhanced the Time Card display by adding a Location menu to the top of the page allowing users who have access to this tab, to view Shifts and punches per the selected location. If an Employee has changed locations during a pay period, areas of the time card that are not associated with the selected location are grayed out, menus will be disabled, and a message notifying the user of the change is displayed.
RAPD-3267 - Shift Minutes Rounding Rules
Shift Minutes Round Rules allows the user to specify any value for the minutes in the Shift Start Time. The Shift End Time will populate based on the increment selected in the "Shift must round to" setting by Company Administrators in the RULE SETS tab.
RAPD-3391 - California Meal Break Rule (Part 2)
Applicable for customers using RosterApps for Payroll (Time & Attendance): For the California Meal Break, originally it was only able to handle the employee not taking a lunch break and therefore get paid for it. But it missed the 1-hour penalty for missing a lunch break. Now it works as follows: When the supervisor approves the request, the meal break is removed and an AST shift is added at the end. An additional 1-hour MLM shift is added after that. If they have an overlapping shift with the 1 hour MLM pay segment, they get paid for both.
RAPD-3713 - Update Reports Module to Let Customers Control Visibility of Reports
ARCOS has enhanced the Reports tab by allowing the user to enable or disable a report. The addition of the Edit Reports Displayed for Roles option in the SETTINGS tab, allows Company Administrators to select which reports are displayed.
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