RAPD-744 - Revision to "Shift Trade Prohibited" message
ARCOS has updated the Shift Trade conflict message to display the name of the employee, requestor, or coworker who has the conflict.
RAPD-1742 - Report That Will Show Conflicts That Were Overridden Per Employee
ARCOS has created a new report displaying Shift Override History, available to Supervisors. In addition to the Employee, Work Group, and Shift Date, the report also details the overriding supervisor and date.
RAPD-2950 - Update for Usage of Compensated Time Off/Uncompensated Time Off Banks
ARCOS has created a Secondary Accrual Account to track the consumption of balances of Compensated Time Off (CTO) and Uncompensated Time Off (UTO) banks. Company Administrators will find the option to select a Secondary Accrual Account and order in the Absent Reasons and Paid Time Off Reasons edit pages. The secondary accounts do have an additional "Can Go Negative" option that can be toggled on a per reason/ assignment basis.
Note: A PTO/absence reason can only be assigned a secondary account if they have at least one primary account linked.
RAPD-3785 - Revenue Days
Applicable for customers using RosterApps for Payroll (Time & Attendance): RosterApps now allows the customer to designate, in each calendar year, Revenue Premium Days (“RPD”) by location, to be paid at time and one-half (1.5) to employees who would otherwise be paid at straight time rates. These are defined by Location Administrators in the SETTINGS tab.
The defined RPD days will appear on the Employee calendar, month calendar, and mobile calendar, as well as the Supervisor and Schedule Viewer calendar and month calendars.
RAPD-4422 - Revised Trade Shift Workflow
ARCOS has revised the workflow regarding Shift Trades. An employee can now accept a shift trade from a coworker prior to the required approval of a supervisor.
RAPD-5194 - Associated Shift Not Displayed in the Sort Dropdown
An Associated Shift column has been added to the Sort by filters menu in the SHIFT MANAGEMENT tab available to Supervisors when assigning shifts.
Location Administrators will need to set this column to be displayed through the SETTINGS tab.
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