RAPD-702 - Name order inconsistencies (Last, First) or (First, Last)
ARCOS has corrected any inconsistencies throughout the application. Employee names all display Last Name, First Name throughout all menus and lists.
RAPD-4461 - API Data for Shifts That Extend Past Midnight
ARCOS has made enhancement to Extended Shifts for implementation purposes. An Extended Shift that continues past midnight after a regular shift, with continuous hours without a break or stop, now appears as an Extended Shift, rather than a separate shift based on the date as previously interpreted and payroll will reflect as such.
RAPD-5141 - Enable Day Divide Time for All Pay Rule Sets
Applicable for customers using RosterApps for Payroll (Time & Attendance): The Day Divide Time configuration within the Rule Sets tab has been updated to include an offset field of +/- to be applied to the time entered, allowing the user to attribute those hours to the previous or following day based on the value entered.
RAPD-5273 - Shift Minutes Rounding Rules: Additional Functions
The Shift Minutes Round Rules which allow the user to specify any value for the minutes in the Shift Start Time and the Shift End Time populates based on the increment selected in the "Shift must round to" setting has been implemented elsewhere within the application:
- On Call
- Group Shift Extension - This rule will be applied on the basis of the first shift in the selection list.
- Unscheduled Time Off (UTO
RAPD-5437 - UTO Request Section Should Not Appear
If all the Work Groups managed by a Supervisor in a given location have the UTO Request Rule Sets with "Allow schedule shift to be requested as unscheduled time off" unchecked, then the UTO Requests section of the Supervisor's home page will NOT be displayed. However, if one Work Group has a Rule Set "Allow schedule shift to be requested as unscheduled time off" is checked, then the UTO Request section will show.
RAPD-5688 - Prior Pay - Clear Remove Shifts
Applicable for customers using RosterApps for Payroll (Time & Attendance): ARCOS has added the ability for Time Keepers to Clear Removed Shifts during a Prior Pay Correction. By clicking the Prior Pay Correction link and editing the "shift", the added Clear Removed Shifts button appears at the bottom of the Employee's calendar. Click to Clear the selected shift.
NOTE: There may be an issue with this new function not displaying for some users. If this occurs, please try clearing your browser cache by clicking CTRL-F5.
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