RAPD-202 - Show the Number of people on "PTO ON DAY" Similar to the Trade Board Tab
A new PTO ON DAY tab has been added for those logging in as employees only. Here the user enters the date range to search, filter Work Groups, PTO Reasons, and Skills as needed, and click the Show Calendar button at the bottom of the window.
The calendar will display results from the search requirements. The user can hover over any cell with text to display an info panel listing the employee's PTO Reason. This tab is available only to those who log in as an Employee.
This feature is turned OFF by default, contact ARCOS to enable.
RAPD-206 - Get Security Roles
ARCOS has added the ability for Company Administrators to search Employee Last Name and Number in the REPORTS tab. Partial names and/or numbers can be entered, results will be filtered.
This feature is available to Company Administrators only.
RAPD-207 - Latest Postings Column on the Trade Board
The Latest Postings will display on the Trade Board when the user checks the Show Most Recent Posts checkbox in the TRADE BOARD tab.
This is configurable by Company Administrators. While editing Shift Rule Sets, check the "Supervisor Can Post Shifts to Trade Board as a Priority" checkbox to enable.
RAPD-746 - OT Availability Report [RAID #17]
The following columns have been added to the OT Availability Report: Phone Number, Cell Number, and Seniority Date. RAPD-747 - Total Worked Hours Report [RAID #37] A Total Hours Work Report has been added. This report can be sorted by Work Group, Location, or Employee and displays totals for Shift Trade, Open Shift, Base Hours, and Actual Hours and includes a cumulative Total Hours column.
This Report is available to those logging in as a Location Administrator, Supervisor, and Schedule Viewer.
RAPD-814 - Update Shift Leveling to use New Seniority Tiebreaker Functionality
Updated the Shift Leveling feature for workgroups and shift bidding to use the "SeniorityRankRule" functionality.
For example: Bidding seniority is based on classification. If two or more employees have the same classification date, then the tie breaker is to use their Company Seniority dates. If they have the same Company Seniority dates then the tie breaker is the employee's birthdays.
Company Administrators can edit and activate the Seniority Rank Rules page found in the SETTINGS tab.
RAPD-816 - Update Alternate Schedule Bidding to use the New Seniority Tiebreaker Functionality
Updated Alternate Schedule Bidding to use the new "SeniorityRankRule" functionality as described above in RAPD-814.
RAPD-1022 - Filtering for Approved & Generated Shifts/Frozen Rows [RAID #88]
Enhancements have been made in the BID ASSIGNMENT tab. While viewing the View and Approve Assignments link, the report now allows the user to filter and sort the list.
The ability to freeze the Header row, allowing it to remain visible while scrolling, will be available in the 19.05c release.
RAPD-1125 - Supervisor's Employee Page 'Show Day History' also Including Supervisor/Employee Activity
The Show Day History option of a Supervisor now only displays actions taken as an Employee. When an employee is logged in the EMPLOYEES tab viewing the calendar of a supervisor, selecting Show Day Calendar only displays actions taken as an employee for a Supervisor.
This change was made to avoid those other than Supervisors or Administrators the ability to view this history report.
RAPD-1325 - Email History Needed
The ability to search email history is available within the REPORTS tab. Clicking the Communications report link opens the Communications Log Search page allowing Company Administrators to search and filter email history by the following values:
- From Date
- To Date
- Employee Number
- Employee Email Address
- Employee First Name
- Employee Last Name
- Subject Starts With
- Body Contains
Results are displayed at the bottom of the window. Click the Expand/Collapse button to expand or collapse individual log details. Click the Print icon to open the Email Detail Log in a new tab. Click the Reset button to clear the previous search.
This feature is available to Company Administrators only and will assist them in dealing with any grievances that may arise.
RAPD-1648 - 8-Hour Rest Rule Enhancement [RAID #95]
New rules have been created to ensure at least 8 hours of rest before an employee's first shift. To enable this feature click the COPSStandards edit link found in the RULE SETS tab, scroll down to the "Min Continuous Rest Hours Before 1st Shift of Day" and enter 8, for the number of hours, in the configurable field.
Once set, the Conflict "MinRestBefore1stShift" will arise while attempting to trade or assign shifts with less than an 8-hour gap between the shifts.
This enhancement was made to alert the user that there are fewer than the configured hours between employee shifts.
RAPD-1649 - Transferring Employees with a Non-Default Rule Set – Effective Dates are Altered Automatically [RAID #96]
The system will automatically update employees' rule sets when transferred from one Work Group to another if their rule set is something other than the "none-use workgroup rule", a new rule set start/end date parameter is created. Their new rule set effective start date is set to the same date as the effective start date of the transfer and their effective end date becomes "Indefinite".
RAPD-1654 - Ability to Edit Incoming Transfer Employees [RAID #101]
Location Administrators can edit, through the EMPLOYEE tab, newly transferred employees before the effective date by filtering to the transfer date.
These edits will then take effect on or after the date of transfer.
RAPD-1658 - Checkbox Defaulted for Extra Hours Email When Extending a Shift [RAID #105]
When a Supervisor is editing an employee's shift on the calendar, the checkbox "Send email to employee" on the Edit Shift page, is enabled by default when a Supervisor is editing or extending a shift. This change ensures employees will be notified, via email, that their shift has been updated.
To enable this as the default, a Company Administrator must go to Settings > Edit Shift Setting and check the box.
RAPD-1661 - Seniority Rank Rule Default – Classification Date [RAID #108]
When a Location Administrator is creating or editing Bid Packages, the “Seniority Rank Rule” is now set to “Classification Date” by default. This change eliminates any extra steps and reduces errors when creating bids since all locations utilize the employee's Classification Date for their bids.
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