RAPD-53 - Add a Way To Confirm Phone Numbers and E-Mail Addresses
A validation process has been added requiring verification from employees when changing their contact information. If an employee changes an email address or phone number, once the Update button is clicked, they will be asked to enter the verification code sent either via email or text depending on the update.
Location Administrators must first enable permissions from the EMPLOYEE tab, edit the link, and allow them to "Change" this information by checking the box.
RAPD-334 - Create a Report Page for a Clock Transactions (Punches) Report
The new Clock Transactions Report, can be run on Work Groups or an individual employee and is available to Location Administrators, Supervisors, and Schedule Viewers.
RAPD-426 - Skill Report for an Employee
The new Employee Working With Skill Report allows Location Administrators to view Employees working with the selected skills based on Location and date.
RAPD-460 - Add "Reason Code" Column To Approve/Deny PTO Request
The Reason Code given by employees when requesting PTO has been added to the Request for Time Off page as a column in the grid displaying the requests available to Supervisors.
RAPD-878 - On Call Visibility [RAID 81]
An On-Call shift status for an employee is now displayed on their calendar and available to those who have the ability to view such as Time Keepers, Supervisors, Schedule Viewers, and the Employee themselves.
Company Administrators, within the RULE SETS tab, can enable the Supervisor's ability to "Indicate On-Call Status For Employee" as well as determine if they can receive a trade or claim or sign-up for an open shift while On-Call by creating a new Shift Rule Set.
Location Administrators can enable the On-Call Column to appear in the SHIFT MANAGEMENT tab available to Supervisors when assigning shifts.
RAPD-879 - Shift Designation Column Added to Shift Assignment Page [RAID 82]
A Shift Designation column has been added to the SHIFT MANAGEMENT tab available to Supervisors while assigning shifts.
Company Administrators can create or edit existing Shift Designations in the SETTINGS tab.
As well as enable per Location.
Location Administrators then can enable the Shift Designation Column to appear in the SHIFT MANAGEMENT tab available to Supervisors when assigning shifts.
RAPD-1425 - Create Unhanded Infraction Report by Location
The Unhandled Infraction Report displays the totals per location based on the dates entered and is available to Company Administrators. The dates will default to the current pay period if none are entered.
RAPD-1426 - Create a Report to Show All Shifts Paid Without Punches
The Shifts Paid without Punches Report displays the employee and shift per location based on the dates entered and is available to Company Administrators. The dates will default to the current pay period if none are entered.
RAPD-1647 - Additional Availability History Report Enhancement [RAID 94]
The Additional Availability History Report, available to the Location Administrator, Supervisors, and Schedule Viewers, has been updated to include:
- Awarded extra hours not included in the original Additional Availability request.
- Display the correct and current Action Type with a timestamp.
- Only display the Extra Hours shift that has been approved for the most recent request.
RAPD-1650 - One Day Off in a Work Week [RAID 97]
Employees are required to have one day off, defined as a full rolling 24-hour period between the end of a shift and the start of the next shift, during the work week of Sunday through Saturday. When the Shift Rule Set "Minimum Continuous Rest Hours Within a Week" is set to 24 by a Company Administrator, a Conflict message will be displayed when assigned a shift or attempting a trade within that time period.
RAPD-1653 - Ability to Edit an Additional Availability Request on the Employee’s Calendar [RAID 100]
Employees have the ability to edit an Additional Availability request on their calendar. The option "Edit Additional Hours" is now available in the menu that opens when clicking on the shift and opens the Additional Hours Sign Up page allowing the user to make changes.
RAPD-1662 - Open Shift History Report [RAID 109]
The new Open Shift History Report displays all actions associated with an Open Shift Sign-up either by an individual or a Work Group and is available to those logged in as a Location Administrator, Supervisor, Schedule Viewer, or Employee.
RAPD-1919 - Not to Show Break on Employee Time Card when NoMealBreak Attribute Attached
Based on the recently added Shift Designator logic described in previous release notes, when a Supervisor resolves the NoMealBreak infraction, the extended shift will be displayed on the employee's Time Card, in the Pay Code table and calculated correctly in payroll.
RAPD-2523 - Update to Include Empty Schedules in API [RAID 109]
A new parameter, "includeEmptySchedules" has been added to the GetSchedule request and will need to be included in the API call to display schedules for all active employees regardless of whether a shift is assigned or not.
For Example:
[ns:locationName|ns:locationName]SEA Ticket Counter</ns:locationName>
If the "includeEmptySchedules" parameter is not included in the call or is set to false, then the API will work the same as it previously did.
RAPD-2597 - Need to be able to Back-Date a Transfer
Location Administrators have the ability to predate employee transfers and manual bid line assignments as to not adversely affect pay when enabled by a Company Administrator in the SETTINGS tab.
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