RAPD-6886 - Additional Availability History Report Enhancement
ARCOS has updated the Additional Availability Report to allow the user to select a specific time range (previously this was 24 hours before and after the selected date). Time Range selectors have been added to the criteria section allowing users to view their availability for additional hours.
The generated report has been updated to provide additional information.
Note: This report can be run for a one-day time range or multiple day time range based on the information entered by the user.
RAPD-7890 - "Do Not Pay" is being Displayed to the Schedule Viewer on the Time Card
ARCOS has added the ability to display the "Do Not Pay" Rule Set option, established by a Company Admin, to a Schedule Viewer on an Employee's Time Card. When set to "True", or enabled in the Pay Rule Set, the "Do Not Pay" overlay will be visible on an Employee's Time Card to a user logged into the system as a Schedule Viewer.
RAPD-8075 - Override "Most Restrictive" Rule Evaluations
ARCOS has added the new Rule Set "When assigned to employee, always use this rule set when trading/ receiving shift using a different rule set" to be used, when enabled, as an override when there are two or more conflicting Rule Sets during a Shift action.
For example:
Employee #1 Rule Set: Min Base and Trade Hours Required For Week To Be Eligible For Open Shift: = 40 Employee #2 Rule Set: Min Base and Trade Hours Required For Week To Be Eligible For Open Shift: = 20
When the new Rule Set "When assigned to employee, always use this rule set when trading/receiving shift using a different Rule Set" is NOT enabled it compares the two Rules Sets and uses the most restrictive one. In this case the 40 hour requirement is most restrictive so both employees would need to meet 40 hours for trade to take place.
When the new Rule Set IS enabled for both rule sets:
Looks at the #2 employee's work group shift rules set independently. If Employee #1 meets the 40 requirement, and Employee #2 meets their 20 hour requirement, the trade is permitted.
There are several different combinations which can take place, the bottom line is the Rule Set compares the employees involved in the shift action and if both meet restrictions, the trade will go through. If one or both employees do not meet the restrictions, there is a conflict.
NOTE: Use this setting with caution as it could have unintended consequences. It is recommended that you get comfortable with this setting in the QA environment prior to enabling in Production.
RAPD-8918 - Block Trades in One Week Do Not Need to be Consecutive
ARCOS has added two new Shift Rule Settings "Shifts Must Be Consecutive" and "Two-way Block Trades - All Shifts Must Be Within The Same Calendar Week" to the Block Trade section. The addition of these new Rule Settings will restrict, if enabled, the days displayed and available to an employee during a Block Trade.
RAPD-9207 - Update to Accrual Date in API
ARCOS has a added the DateHourMinuteOffset parameter to the UploadAccrualAccountData API, allowing users to enter specific times other than the default 23:59 for both SOAP and REST.
SOAP: <ns:dateHourMinuteOffset> value </ns:dateHourMinuteOffset>
Example entries:
REST: https://services-qa.arcos-inc.com/api/accrualaccounts/uploadaccrualaccountdata/effectiveDate/ {effective date}
Example entries: https://services-qa.arcos-inc.com/api/accrualaccounts/uploadaccrualaccountdata/effectiveDate/2021-11-21
Note: The DateHourMinuteOffset will be in HH:MM format (24hr clock)
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