RosterApps Enhancements
RAPD-10218 - Relief Shift Bidding: Added New Search Filters While Editing Bid Lines
ARCOS has added two new search filter options for Location Administrators when editing Relief Shift Bid Lines. These new filters include:
- Search by Original Owner - Search results list will include Last Name, First Name, and Work Group.
- Search by Bid Line - Search results list will include Bid Line Name, Bid Package Name, Effective Start Date, and Effective End Date.
Time & Attendance Enhancements
RAPD-9897 - Calculate OT & DT on a Per Shift Continuous Basis
ARCOS has enhanced Accumulators and Post Accumulators to allow Company Administrators to define the amount of time between an employee’s shift segments that would allow it to be considered a continuous shift.
When Continuous Shift is selected for the Calculation Duration, two additional fields appear. The user specifies the minutes between segments in the Maximum Gap Between Shifts To Be Considered Contiguous. And if necessary, select the Skill to Break Contiguous Shift from the menu, to break the continuation when applied to the second shift only.
NOTE: Segments that start in the following pay period but are part of a “continuous” shift will count in the pay period for which the continuous shift started.
RAPD-10635 - Updated Result Requirement Labels in Accumulators
ARCOS has updated the Post Accumulator Result Requirement functionality to have the initial requirement component (blue field) reflect the selection made in the Comparison Type field. For example, when Unique Day Count is selected, the Total Days Worked automatically populates in the first Result Requirement field.
Additional updates to both Accumulators and Post Accumulators include:
- The Comparison Unit is now labeled Value in the second (purple field) component
- The “Output = Total Minutes” string has been removed.
RAPD-10887 - Original Shift Traded Away before/after Holiday to be considered
Previously, the logic when searching for shifts before/after a holiday did not consider shifts that had been traded away. This was causing issues with premium pay when the employee had an absent shift before/after these traded-away shifts. Now, the logic will consider these traded-away shifts as the previous/next shifts to a holiday and will correctly apply premium pay.
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