RAPD-7128 - Add Build Number to UI
ARCOS has updated the UI to display the Build DateTime/Number when the user hovers over the version number in the footer of the application.
RAPD-9756 - Rule Set History in Employee and Work Group
ARCOS has added tracking of history within the Employee and Work Group Rule Set pages. Location Administrators can now view the entire history of changes as it pertains to the assignment of rule sets to employees and work groups. This is available to Location Administrators via Employees > Edit > Edit Rule Sets and Work Groups > Edit links. Clicking the History icon opens the Change History page for the selected Rule Set displaying information including Change Date, Rule Set Name, Start Date, and who the change was made by.
RAPD-9907 - Allow GetSchedules / ConfirmSchedules API's to be Multi-Account Accessible
When using the incremental update option (full update is set to "False"), ARCOS has updated the GetSchedules and ConfirmSchedules API to track the userid which made the request.
When incremental update is used only the updates since the last request by the same userid (rather than company) are returned.
NOTE: This update affects both SOAP and REST version of the API.
The following issue has been resolved:
RAPD-9657 - Block Trades Option Not Displayed on Mobile Browser
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