ARCOS Callout Enhancements
Increased Call Transfer Drop Time
What is changing:
ARCOS has increased the transferred call drop time from 10 minutes to 60 minutes. This update allows crew members working in the field more time to relay information to dispatch during an outage.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Callout customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
Enhanced Quantity Selection on Create Callout Page
What is changing:
ARCOS has enhanced the ability for users to define the Quantity needed when Creating a Callout.
Users can now enter the Quantity needed, in the Class/Workgroup section, directly in the available field
without having to select the Roster first. Entering a Quantity for a Roster automatically selects the listed Roster.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Callout customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
ARCOS API Enhancements
Updated changedSince Parameter Value
What is changing:
ARCOS has updated schedules API call by increasing maximum value for the changedSince parameter from 3 days to 7 days. The limit on the “number of days back” for the changedSince parameter is relevant when the date range between starTime and endTime is over 15 days, therefore this update avoids any call failures for schedule changes that may occur during an extended period of time such as Holidays that stretch over a weekend, etc.
This update affects the following requests:
• schedules/employeeSchedules
• schedules/records
• schedules/shifts
Who is involved:
All ARCOS API customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
Added Comment and eventName Attributes to schedules/sync Call
What is changing:
ARCOS has updated the scheduledShift and scheduleException API call results to always include the “eventName” attribute as well as the “comment” attribute, if one is present in the database.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS API customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
ARCOS Workbench Enhancements
Construction: Enhanced Field to Store Room Workflow Functionality
What is changing:
In the Construction workflow, when a user increases the quantity of a CU with type ‘Install’ on a point, and
marks the CU as complete, the point is now automatically partially completed. This automatic partial
completion triggers the creation of a Material Requisition job for those additional items. Previously, the
workflow required full completion of the point with the additional units to trigger the Material Requisition job. This update mirrors the existing functionality for the addition of a new CU of type ‘Install’ to a point.
Who is involved:
All Mobile Workbench customers who subscribe to the Construction module will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
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