ARCOS Callout Enhancements
IdeaBank: Enhanced Callout to Allow URLs in Custom the Message Text Field
What is changing:
ARCOS has enhanced Callout to allow the user to include a web address in the Custom Message
Text field.
Whether creating a new Callout or via the Custom Message Admin page, the system now allows
users to include a full-length URL within the Custom Message Text field while using either the webbased application or from the mobile app..
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Callout customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
ARCOS Crew Manager Enhancements
Enhanced Employee Search Capabilities
What is changing:
ARCOS has enhanced the Employee search capabilities to allow users to expand their search to
include Imported Resources.
Customers who have Crew Manager will see the new Include Imported Resources checkbox within
the Search tab of the Employee module allowing them to search for imported members.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Crew Manager customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
ARCOS Mobile Enhancements
Updated Callout Response Messaging Logic
What is changing:
ARCOS has updated the logic which determines if a mobile user receives “excused result” messaging
after being notified of an of an initiated Callout which has been filled.
Depending on the defined Security Options, Administrator can display the following message to the
user when they tap the respond button: “The job that you were called for is no longer available. You
will receive an excused result for this callout. Thank you for responding.”
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Mobile Plus customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
Contact Professional Services for more information.
Updated Custom Message Issue
What is changing:
ARCOS has resolved the issue with custom TTS messages, included in Callouts, not playing on iOS
devices. Users can now listen to custom TTS messages regardless of whether the device is on silent
mode or not.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Mobile Plus customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
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