The Vacation Management module in ARCOS offers reporting capabilities that allow supervisors to print available vacation hours and details of vacation hours that have been used with just a few clicks.
To Print Vacation Hour Details for Multiple Employees
Navigate to the location of the desired VLG.
Click the Vacation Mgt button located on the Schedule tab. The main Vacation Management page displays.
Click the VLG List button. A list of enabled VLG's for the location displays.
Click the name of the VLG containing the employees. ARCOS displays a list of employees that are members of the selected VLG.
Check the checkbox next to the employees to report on, -OR-
Click the Select All button at the bottom of the page to select all employees in the VLG.
Click the Goto Emp Vac Mgt Page to view the Employee Vacation Management page for the selected employees. ARCOS displays each employee separately with details of available hours and hours used.
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