Some locations may contain several VLGs that will carry over period to period maintaining the same limits. ARCOS has two buttons available to make enabling VLGs for future periods as simple as a mouse click. Depending on how you want to copy the VLGs over will determine which button you select.
The Copy VLGS from Previous Period WITH Employees button allows VLGs and their limits to be copied to a future vacation management period and maintain the employees’ currently assigned VLG.
However, the Copy VLGS from Previous Period button only allows the VLGs and their limits to be copied to a future vacation management period. When using this option, employees will be removed from their currently assigned VLG for the future period only and will need to be either reassigned or a assigned to a different VLG for the future period.
Note: If the Copy VLGS from Previous Period button is mistakenly pressed, you can delete all VLGs from the period/location you are viewing and click the Copy VLGS from Previous Period WITH Employees button to recopy the VLGs over with the employees assigned.
To Copy VLGs to a Future Period
Click the Vacation Mgt button on the Schedule tab.
Click the VLG Admin button. The VLG Admin screen displays for your current location.
Click the COPY VLGs from Previous Period WITH Employees or the Copy VLGS from Previous Period button. ARCOS displays a confirmation pop-up.
Click the OK button on the pop-up proceed with the copy. The page refreshes.
Note: Depending on the number of VLGs being copied over, the following message may display at the top of the page "Save operation is running on server. Please refresh your page. You may need to wait a few moments." If you see this message, wait a few seconds and then click the refresh button to view the copied VLGs.
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