To assign employees to a VLG, follow the steps below:
Click the Vacation Mgt button located on the Schedule tab. The main Vacation Management page displays.
Click the Employee Vac Mgt button. The list of employees in the current location displays.
Click to select an employee from the list. The employee’s Vacation Management Page displays.
Select a Period, if different from the one that is displayed at the top right of the screen.
Select the VLG to which you wish to assign the employee for the period from the VLG (this period): dropdown.
Note: This dropdown contains only the VLG Names that have been established for this location.
Enter hours in any of the Vacation Days or Personal Days fields as needed.
Click Save Data.
Note: Some companies do not have the ability to create new Vacation Management List Groups because Vacation Management List Groups are auto-created based on available Primary Classes. Users can then enable the auto-created Vacation Management List Groups as needed in each location. When enabled, these Vacation Management List Groups auto-populate with employees of the selected Primary Class and location.
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