Security Features exist to allow access to different facets of Vacation Management.
The Vacation Mgt - VLG Admin and Vacation Mgt - VLG Admin (Modify) security features in the Schedule section of the Sys Admin > Security page control access to the VLG Admin page. If you only have Vacation Mgt - VLG Admin rights, you can view the VLG Admin page but you cannot add or modify anything on the page. You must have Vacation Mgt - VLG Admin and Vacation Mgt - VLG Admin (Modify) permission in order to access and modify information in this section. If none of the Vacation Management items in the Schedule section of the Security page are checked, then the Vacation Management button will not be present on the Schedule tab.
The Vacation Mgt - VLG List security item in the Schedule section of the Sys Admin > Security page allows access to the VLG List page.
The Vacation Mgt –Employee Page and Vacation Mgt – Employee Page (Modify) security features in the Schedule section of the Sys Admin>Security page control access to the Employee Vac Mgt page. If you only have Vacation Mgt – Employee Page rights, you can view the Employee Vacation Management page. You must have Vacation Mgt – Employee Page and Vacation Mgt – Employee Page (Modify) permission in order to access and modify information in this section.
Note: Some companies do not have the ability to create new Vacation Management List Groups because Vacation Management List Groups are auto-created based on available Primary Classes. Users can then enable the auto-created Vacation Management List Groups as needed in each location.
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