Unscheduled Time Off Requests are requests for a day, or days, or part of a day off from work. Not all RosterApps users will have access to this feature. If it is available to you and your organization, you will be able to use it as described below.
From the "My Calendar" tab navigate to the day you want to request off from work. Even though there may be no shift present, click inside the boundaries of the day itself and select "Request Time Off" from the pop-up menu.
The next screen will ask you to select from one of three options. The first option is to request the entire calendar date off.
You are requesting the entire calendar day off of the schedule (from 12:00:00am to 11:59:59pm).
The second option is to take multiple days off. Select a start and end dates for the request. The period of time is the entire day(s) of the calendar.
The last option allows you to take just a specified block of time on a given day off. Two selectors will appear for you to input your requested start of the time off and the other to select the ending time of the time off period.
You have the opportunity to input a comment to submit along with your request which will be seen by the Supervisor who is approving or denying Unscheduled Time Off Requests.
Once completed, click the "Request Time Off" button to submit.
Now, when you go to the My Calendar section, you will see that (in this case) the entire day is marked as 'Pending Reqest for Time Off'.
Cancel Request
Until your Supervisor has approved your Unscheduled Time Off Request, you may elect to cancel it. There are two ways that you can do this, and the first is to do so from your Home Page. You will see your Pending Unscheduled Time Off Requests listed towards the bottom of your Home Page. Click the Cancel link to cancel the request.
You may also elect to cancel your Unscheduled Time Off Request from the My Calendar section. Navigate to the day showing the request, and click inside the boundaries of the day, then select 'Cancel' from the pop-up menu.
In the follow-up screen, click the "Continue with Cancel" button to proceed.
Lastly, you can see a History of your Unscheduled Time Off Request by selecting the other option from the pop-up menu.
The History link for an Unscheduled Time Off Request will show you who requested the time off, when the request was made, for what specific days/times the request covers, and if the Request is approved, who approved it, and at what time.
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