The most common type of trade done in RosterApps is an Exchange. This is where you trade your shift to a co-worker in exchange for one of their shifts. It is very similar to the way that you just give a shift to a co-worker.
From the My Calendar tab, navigate to the shift you want to exchange from your schedule. Click on the shift you want to trade, select the "Trade Shift" option from the pop-up menu.
The next screen will be the Trade Shift screen. You will want to select the "Giving the shift to a co-worker..." option.
Select which employee or co-worker with whom you want to trade shifts from drop down list will show all those employees that have Trading rights with the Work Group of the Shift, *as well as* the required Skill for the Shift.
Once you have chosen the co-worker, select the checkbox that reads "Make trade conditional on receiving the following shift from co-worker...".
By checking this box, RosterApps will then display a drop-down menu on the page, where you need to select what shift from your co-worker's schedule that you want in Exchange for your shift.
Click the Trade button to finalize the trade. Once that has been completed, you will see the pending shift changes in your calendar.
You will notice in your schedule that the shift you meant to trade in exchange with your co-worker now has a grey-colored, Pending Trade Away Shift, border on the left-hand side of the shift, as explained in the Legend. You can also see that the shift that you will receive in exchange is colored light-green, Pending Trade Receiving Shift. When your co-worker accepts your trade request, the grey-colored shift will disappear (the shift you gave away to your co-worker), and the light-green shift will have changed color to light blue, Shift Traded From Co-Worker.
Cancel Trade
If you want to cancel a pending trade, it is possible to do so, but *ONLY* if the co-worker you were going to exchange shifts with has NOT accepted your Exchange Request yet. Once they have accepted your request, the exchange cannot be undone. (You could contact the co-worker, and try to trade the same shifts back to each other. However, your co-worker is not obliged to do that for you.)
In order to cancel a pending trade, you must go to your My Calendar Tab, and look for the shift in question that you are exchanging with your co-worker. Once you find that shift with the grey border, click on it and select "Cancel Trade" from the pop-up menu.
Confirm by clicking the Accept button in the Cancel Direct Trade Request window.
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