Sometimes, you might not want to post a Shift to the Trade Board you don't want. You might want to give it to a Co-Worker who is looking to get more hours. In such a case, you can Give your Shift to a Co-Worker if they can work the Shift for you *and* if they don't have any conflicts.
From the My Calendar tab, navigate to the shift you want to give away, left-click on it and select the Trade Shift option from the pop-up menu.
In the Trade Shift screen select the "Giving the shift to a co-worker..." option.
Next, select which employee or co-worker you want to give the shift to. The drop down list will show all those employees that have Trading rights with the Work Group of the Shift, *as well as* the required Skill for the Shift.
After you have selected which Co-Worker you want to give your shift to, click the Trade button to confirm.
There is no need to check the "Make trade conditional" or "Repeat this trade" checkboxes.
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