When configured classes are submitted from the Class/WG picker, ARCOS performs a check to determine if the selected classes are already being used in other overlapping callouts. If the current callout is still in New status, a pop-up warning displays that states, "Open callouts exist for this class selection," and you will be required to confirm by clicking OK.
When the Overlapping Callouts functionality is enabled, an additional column is added to the Sub-callouts table titled Overlap when creating a new callout. If a running callout exist using at least one of the same selected rosters then the user receives a pop-up warning and a number appears in the Overlap column. This number is a link to a table that contains information about the other callout .
After the user clicks the Initiate Callout button, ARCOS preforms another overlapping callout check. First a pop-up displays that alerts user that Open Overlapping Callouts exist for their selection.
Click OK to close the pop-up and a confirmation pop-up displays with the choices of OK and Cancel if an overlapping callout still exist. However, this final check differs from the previous check. The confirmation pop-up at the callout initiation only occurs if there are overlapping callouts that are non-closed and in any of the possible states other than Done, Stopped, or New. This would include callouts in Running, Wait, Queued, Hold, Delay, Pause, or Pending Pop-up states.
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