This rule allows companies who use it to manage rest time. ARCOS looks at the employee's status on "off" days and determines whether the employee is eligible to be called for a callout, based on when the employee last worked anything other than a normally scheduled shift (callouts, fill shifts, pre-arranged overtime, etc.). For purposes of this rule, an effective "day" of non-shift work is defined by the start time and date of the non-shift work (e.g. a callout worked from 10 pm Friday to 4 am Saturday is treated as Friday. In that example, hours worked would be treated as being worked on Friday when considering the 1-2 Rule).
ARCOS assigns a value of either "1" or "2" to an employee's day depending on whether the day is the first, second, third, fourth, etc. day since the employee worked his or her last scheduled shift. (A "1" day means that an employee's most recent shift was a odd number of days ago.) The first day off after working a normal shift is given a 1, the second consecutive day after working a shift is given a 2, the third consecutive day after working a shift is given a 1, the fourth consecutive day after working a shift is given a 2, and so on. If the employee works 8 or more hours on a day that has a value of 1, then the employee cannot be called on the subsequent 2 day. But, if the employee works less than 8 hours on a 1 day, he can be called on the subsequent 2 day. And, if an employee works any amount of time on a 2 day, he is still eligible to be called on a 1 day.
When an employee completes non-shift work (is released), ARCOS checks to see if that day is a 1 day. For non-shift work that does not auto-extend, such as Fill Shift and Pre-Arranged Overtime, as the end time approaches, ARCOS checks to see if that day is a 1 day. If ARCOS determines that the day was a 1 day, ARCOS adds up all work performed on the day, summing all hours worked for records with a start time on that day and if that total is greater than or equal to 8 hours and the next day is a day with no scheduled shift, ARCOS creates a 24-hour exception from midnight to midnight on the off day called "Rest - 1,2 Rule."
When a dispatcher or operator creates a callout and submits selected lists from the Roster Picker, a 1-2 Rule reminder pop-up displays. This pop-up reminds the operator of the possibility that there may be employees being called on a 1 day that may have previously been scheduled non-shift work on the following 2 day and that the operator should refer to the Scheduler, if necessary.
The following caveats apply to the 1-2 Rest Rule:
ARCOS does not check to see if the employee being called out on a 1 day has pre-scheduled, non-shift work for the following 2 day. It is the responsibility of the operator or dispatcher to refer to the Scheduler as needed.
If a normal shift is masked by a holiday or an exception, ARCOS sees this as a shift day when considering the 1-2 Rule.
When creating callout, the operator or dispatcher has the ability to individually override employees currently on the 1-2 Rest Rule and have the employee called on his or her active devices.
Once created, the "Rest - 1,2 Rule" exception will not be removed from an employee's schedule record if changes are made to the employee's schedule records which may have impacted consideration of the 1-2 Rule.
"Rest - 1,2 Rule" is not available to web users as an Event Type when creating a schedule record.
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