- Steps on how to create Hotel and Room Types
- Steps on how assign lodging
Create Hotel and Room Type
- Click Add Hotel button Enter Hotel name and Save
- Click on Add Room Type button
- Enter Room Type Name, Capacity, Abbreviation and Save
Adding a Room Type to Hotel
- Click on the Plush Sign (+) next to the Room Type Section for the hotel
- Enter Room Type, Quantity, Rate and Save
- Existing room types can be viewed by clicking the Room Type Panel button
After adding the Hotel and Room Type, create the Lodging Filters
- Filters within logistics modes are used to narrow the number of lodgings, crews and members that are displayed. When in the Lodging mode, only lodging level filters can be loaded and created.
Example: When NO filters are set, nothing displays on the Hotel Panel
Setting the Filter with the Hotel Attributes displays the hotels:
Assigning availability to a hotel
- Enter the PIT for first day the availability information will be entered for
- Click the Availability Panel button to make the Availability Panel visible
- Click the plus sign (+) in the cell for the hotel and date the availability is for. The Add new Availability pop-up appears.
- Type the rate agreed upon for the room type in the Rate textbox.
- Type the number of vacant rooms the hotel has available for that room type in the Available textbox.
- Type the number of rooms that have been reserved from the hotel for the room type in the Booked textbox.
- Type the number of days the availability information is good for in the Number of Days textbox. This is the number of days the number the rates for the reserved rooms have been agreed upon with the hotel.
- If entering more than one day, you can only enter the number of days that are visible in your current view. The number of visible days can be changed in the Visible Days textbox.
Lodging Assignments Mode
Assigning lodging to a single member or to multiple members
1. Select the member you want to assign lodging to from the Crew Panel by checking the checkbox to the right of the member. The selected member is highlighted yellow.
- When assigning multiple members, select the group, crew, or members you want to assign lodging to from the Crew Panel.
2. Select the lodging type from the Hotel Panel. You can select an entire hotel, multiple hotels or select room types from several hotels.
3. Verify that the number of booking days is set to the number of days you wish to assign lodging for the selected members. The number of Booking Days can be set in the Panels toolbar.
4. Click the Assign button, next to the number of Booking Days. ARCOS will assign lodging to the selected member. ARCOS presents a completion pop-up notification once the assignment is saved.
- If you select a member who already has a lodging assignment, ARCOS will skip the member and will not change their current lodging assignment.
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