Filter Sets Menu Overview
The Filter Sets Menu houses existing filter sets and allows users to create their filter sets. Filters within crew mode are used to narrow the number of crews and members that are displayed on the page. Filters within logistics modes are used to narrow the number of lodgings, crews and members that are displayed. Some attributes you may want to filter by are location or classification.
Note: When in the Crew mode, only crew level filters can be loaded and created. When in the Lodging mode, only lodging level filters can be loaded and created. When in the Lodging Assignment mode, crew filter sets appear in the top section of the menu, and the lodging filters appear in the lower section of the menu.
Screen items are listed below in the order they are pointed out in the above image from left to right and top to bottom.
Create Crew Filter Set: Allows the user to create a new crew filter set.
Load Existing Crew Filter Set: Allows the user to load an existing crew filter set.
Apply Filter Changes: Changes to filter sets are not applied to your current view until the Apply Filter Changes button is clicked or the filters menu is closed.
Add Attribute: Adds an attribute to the filter set for filtering by.
Owner: Indicates the user is the owner of the filter set.
Uses a Pick List: Signifies that the filter set uses a pick list badge in the filtering.
Edit able?: A visual representation if the filter set is edit able or not.
A locked pad lock indicates the filter set is locked and no one can make changes to it.
No pad lock indicates the filter set is edit able.
Note: If a filter set is locked, no one can make changes to it including the owner of the set.
Security Level: A visual representation of the security level that is applied to the filter set.
A blue globe indicates the filter set is viewable by all ARCOS users but they do not have edit access.
A green globe indicates the filter set is viewable by all ARCOS users and they do have edit access.
No globe indicates the filter set is a private set and only the user who created it has access to view and edit it.
Save Filter Set: Allows the user to save changes to the filter set.
Save Filter Set as a Copy: Allows the user to save a copy of the filter set.
Undo Changes: When clicked, the filter set will revert back to what it looked like the last time it was saved.
Edit: Allows the user to change the name of the filter set and its security settings.
Remove Filter Set from Selected View: Removes the selected filter set from the user's current set of filters.
Minimize Filter Set: Collapses the selected filter set, thus hiding the filter entries.
Create Lodging Filter Set: Allows the user to create a new lodging filter set.
Load Existing Lodging Filter Set: Allows the user to load an existing lodging filter set.
Creating a New Filter Set
Filters within Crew Manger are used to narrow the number of crews and members that are displayed on the page. Filter sets can be saved and loaded for use at a later time. Users may also load several filter sets into their current view for further filtering. Filters sets can be saved for future use by the user who created them or for future use by all ARCOS users.
Note: In Crew mode, filters can only be created to filter by crew level attributes. In the Lodging mode, filters can only be created to filter by lodging level attributes. In the Lodging Assignment mode, filters can be created for filtering by crew level attributes and by lodging level attributes.
To Create a New Filter Set
Click the Filter Set button within the mode toolbar.
Click the Create New Filter Set button. ARCOS displays a pop-up asking for a name for the new filter set.
Type the name of the new filter set in the Create New Filter Set pop-up.
Click the OK button on the Create New Filter Set pop-up. ARCOS adds an empty filter to the Crew Filter Sets panel.
Click the plus sign next to the Attr Name header to add a new filter item. ARCOS displays a list of available crew level attributes.
Click on an attribute to add it to the filter set. By default, the new filter items do not contain any values which causes all crews to be removed from your current view.
Click in the attribute's Chosen Values field to select which values of the attribute you wish to see when using the filter. ARCOS displays the currently available values in a dropdown.
Select the values you of the attribute you wish to see when using the filter from the dropdown for the attribute.
Note: It is best practice to include "None" in your filter so a crew is not lost when create a new one. If you do not include "None" in the filter and you create a new crew, ARCOS will assign the crew the minimum attributes so that the crew displays in your current view.
Click the Save button once you have selected all of the necessary attributes and values for the filter.
Note: The red asterisk surrounded by parenthesis located at the top of the filter indicates the filter has changes that have not been saved.
Editing a Filter Set's Attributes and Values
Filters within Crew Manger are used to narrow the number of lodgings, crews and members that are displayed on the page. Filter sets can be saved and loaded for use at a later time. As your company's use of the ARCOS Crew Manager grows the number of attributes and values will grow to meet your company's needs meaning there may come times when you need to add to a filter or remove items from a filter.
Note: Changes to a filter set are not applied to your current view until the Filter Sets menu is closed or the apply check mark is clicked.
To Add a Filter Item to a Filter
Click the Filter Set button within the mode toolbar.
Click the Load an Existing Filter Set button. ARCOS displays a pop-up list of existing filters.
Click on the filter's name to load the filter. ARCOS displays the details of the selected filter set.
Click the plus sign next to the Attr Name header to add a new filter item. ARCOS displays a list of available crew level attributes.
Click on an attribute to add it to the filter set. By default, the new filter items do not contain any values which causes all crews to be removed from your current view.
Click in the attribute's Chosen Values field to select which values of the attribute you wish to see when using the filter. ARCOS displays the currently available values in a dropdown.
Select the values you of the attribute you wish to see when using the filter from the dropdown for the attribute.
Note: It is best practice to include "None" in your filter so a crew is not lost when create a new one. If you do not include "None" in the filter and you create a new crew, ARCOS will assign the crew the minimum attributes so that the crew displays in your current view.
Click the Save button once you have selected all of the necessary attributes and values for the filter.
Note: The red asterisk surrounded by parenthesis located at the top of the filter indicates the filter has changes that have not been saved.
To Add a Value to an Existing Filter Item
Click the Filter Set button within the mode toolbar.
Click the Load an Existing Filter Set button. ARCOS displays a pop-up list of existing filters.
Click on the filter's name to load the filter. ARCOS displays the details of the selected filter set.
Click in the attribute's Chosen Values field to select which values of the attribute you wish to see when using the filter. ARCOS displays the currently available values in a dropdown.
Select the values you of the attribute you wish to see when using the filter from the dropdown for the attribute.
Click the Save button once you have selected all of the necessary attributes and values for the filter.
Note: The red asterisk surrounded by parenthesis located at the top of the filter indicates the filter has changes that have not been saved.
To Remove a Filter Item from a Filter Set
Click the Filter Set button within the mode toolbar.
Click the Load an Existing Filter Set button. ARCOS displays a pop-up list of existing filters.
Click on the filter's name to load the filter. ARCOS displays the details of the selected filter set.
Click the "X" next to the attribute you whish to remove from your filter.
Click the Save button once you have removed the necessary attributes and values from the filter.
Note: The red asterisk surrounded by parenthesis located at the top of the filter indicates the filter has changes that have not been saved.
To Remove a Value from an Existing Filter Item
Click the Filter Set button within the mode toolbar.
Click the Load an Existing Filter Set button. ARCOS displays a pop-up list of existing filters.
Click on the filter's name to load the filter. ARCOS displays the details of the selected filter set.
Click the "X" next to the value you whish to remove from your filter.
Click the Save button once you have removed the necessary attributes and values from the filter.
Note: The red asterisk surrounded by parenthesis located at the top of the filter indicates the filter has changes that have not been saved.
Become Owner of a Filter Set
If a filter set has either "Public View" or "Public Edit" access, an ARCOS administrator can become owner of the filter set in order to make changes to it.
To become the owner of a filter set
Navigate to Crew Manager.
Load the filter set you want to become the owner of.
Click the Become Owner button, this is the key button on the panel.
Click the OK button on the confirmation pop-up.
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