Pseudo attributes that were built by ARCOS and their calculation behavior cannot be modified by the end user. Crew Manager admins can still modify how the badges and icons are displayed for these badges within views.
Note: Your system may not have all of the attributes listed.
The table below contains a list of member level attributes that are populated/updated by information for the member's employee record within ARCOS.
Attribute Name |
Attribute Description |
Additional Notes |
CumHrsRest |
Displays the total number of cumulative hours of rest the member has. |
CumHrsWorked |
Displays the total number of continuous hours the member has worked. (This can be a combination of any working statuses.) |
Allows five thresholds (color changes) to be set. (Threshold value is set in the BadgeText field.)
The Status attribute must be included in your view in order for the CumHrsWorked attribute to display the member's cumulative hours worked. |
DaySchedule |
Counts the number of schedule records assigned to the member for the day. (Counts working and non-working) |
Double clicking on the badge for a member, allows the user to:
DutyPhone |
ARCOS uses the following logic when deciding which device will display in the DutyPhone badge:
Email1 |
Pulls the first e-mail address of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
Email2 |
Pulls the second e-mail address of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
Email3 |
Pulls the third e-mail address of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
Gender |
Pulls the gender of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
HasLodging |
Displays “Yes” or “No” value signifying if the member has lodging. “Partial” is also a value when viewing on the Lodging Assignment page. If number of booking days is set to 3 and the member only has lodging for 1 or 2 of the days, the value will be Partial. If they have lodging for all 3 days the value is Yes. If they do not have lodging on any of the days, the value is No. |
IsSupervisor |
Displays “Yes” or “No” signifying if the member is a supervisor based on the supervisor checkbox in the Employee modify page. |
Pulls the LID of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
Lodging |
Displays information about the member’s hotel assignment. This attribute needs to be included in a viewset in order for lodging formula based attributes to calculate properly. |
Only attributes that have been created under the “Lodging” section of the view set can be referenced using the lodgingAttr formula. Some examples: the hotel Name, Address, and Phone Number. |
LodgingNotifySent |
Displays “Yes”, “No” or “N/A” to indicate if the lodging email has been sent to item in the attribute’s name. ie. Member, Other, Supervisor, Current Supervisor and Lodging. |
LodgingNotifyToLodging |
Displays “Yes”, “No” or “N/A” value to indicate if the lodging email was sent to the Hotel Staff. |
LodgingNotifyToMember |
Displays “Yes”, “No” or “N/A” value to indicate if the lodging email was sent to members. |
LodgingNotifyToOther |
Displays “Yes”, “No” or “N/A” value to indicate if the lodging email was sent to a manually entered email address. |
LodgingNotifyToSupCurrent |
Displays “Yes”, “No” or “N/A” value to indicate if the lodging email was sent to the current supervisor. |
LodgingNotifyToSupervisor |
Displays “Yes”, “No” or “N/A” value to indicate if the lodging email was sent to the supervisor. |
LodgingRoomType |
Is used to determine which room type the member is assigned to. The attribute needs to be assigned to the member in order for the assignment to be made. |
MemberID |
Pulls the member ID of imported resources from the employee record in ARCOS. |
NextWork |
Pulls the start date and time of the member's next shift record. |
Phone1 |
Pulls the first phone number of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
Phone2 |
Pulls the second phone number of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
Phone3 |
Pulls the third phone number of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
PrimaryClass |
Pulls the member's primary class from the employee record in ARCOS. |
PrimaryLoc |
Pulls the member's home location from the employee record in ARCOS. |
Radio |
Pulls the radio number of the member from the employee record in ARCOS |
RoomType |
Display the room type the employee’s lodging assignment is for. |
Only attributes that have been created under the “Room Types” section of the view set can be referenced using the roomAttr formula. Some examples: Double, Cot, and Smoking. |
SchedComment |
Displays the value of the member's current schedule record's comment. |
Status |
Displays the member's current schedule status: working, rest, exception or available. |
StatusDesc |
Displays the name of the schedule record the member is currently on. (E.g. Sick, Vacation, Rest Time...) |
The Status attribute must be included in your view in order for the StatusDesc attribute to display the member's status. |
VruID |
Pulls the VRUID of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
WebID |
Pulls the Web ID of the member from the employee record in ARCOS. |
Working |
Displays if the member is working or not as yes or no. |
The Status attribute must be included in your view in order for the Working attribute to display the member's status. |
Note: Not listed here are Employee Extended Attributes which are automatically added to Crew Manager using the following naming convention: AttributeName_EA_datatype. EA = Extended Attribute. These attributes are defined by the user.
The table below contains a list of crew level attributes that are calculated by information within Crew Manager.
Attribute Name |
Attribute Description |
Additional Notes |
HasMembers |
Displays a "yes" or "no" value signifying if a crew has members on it or not. |
If a crew has hidden members on it, the badge will display "yes". |
NumException |
Displays the number of members on a non-working or non-rest exception on the crew. |
Does not calculate the number of employees unless the Status attribute is enabled at the member level. The status attribute only needs to be part of the view and does not need to be a visible badge. |
NumMembers |
Displays the number of members on the crew. |
Displays the number of members on the crew who are on a rest exception. |
Does not calculate the number of employees unless the Status attribute is enabled at the member level. The status attribute only needs to be part of the view and does not need to be a visible badge. |
NumWorking |
Displays the number of members on a working exception on the crew. |
Does not calculate the number of employees unless the Status attribute is enabled at the member level. The status attribute only needs to be part of the view and does not need to be a visible badge. |
StormEvent |
Allows the crews to be assigned to a storm event that is setup in Event Manager. |
Working |
Acts as a yes/no flag to indicate if a crew is working or not. (Only one member of the crew needs to be working for the crew to be considered working.) |
WorkTicket |
Displays the name of the work ticket the crew is currently working. |
The table below contains a list of group level attributes that are calculated by information within Crew Manager.
Attribute Name |
Attribute Description |
Additional Notes |
NumCrews |
Displays the number of crews in the group. |
NumCrewsWorking |
Displays the number of crews within the group that are working. (Only one member of the crew needs to be working for the crew to be considered working.) |
Does not calculate at the group level if Status is not selected at the member level, NumMembers at the crew level and NumCrews at the group level. The member and crew level attributes only need to be part of the view and do not need to be a visible badge. |
NumMembers |
Displays the number of members in the group. |
Does not calculate at the group level if NumMembers is not selected at the crew level. The crew level only needs to be part of the view and does not need to be a visible badge. |
NumWorking |
Displays the number of members on a working exception in the group. |
Does not calculate at the group level if Status is not selected at the member level, NumMembers at the crew level and NumCrews at the group level. The member and crew level attributes only need to be part of the view and do not need to be a visible badge. |
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