ARCOS Platform Enhancements
Biometric Login Enabled By Default
What is changing:
ARCOS has enabled the User Login Administration option “Enable Biometric Login for Mobile
Devices?” for all existing accounts, unless otherwise specified, by default.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change however if your preference is opt-out,
please contact Professional Services.
ARCOS Crew Manager Enhancements
Enhanced Resource Filtering for Work Orders within Crew Panel
What is changing:
ARCOS has enhanced the Resource filtering option specifically for Work Orders within the Crew panel
in Crew Manager. The “Apply Only to Crew Panel” icon has been added to the Edit Filter Sets dialog
for Work Orders.
When enabled resources displayed in the Crew Panel are filtered based on the attribute values within
the filter. The indicator is displayed within the Perspective Set Detail.
NOTE: If the user wants to filter the resources in both the Resource and Crew Panels, then multiple
filters will need to be maintained.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS Crew Manager customers will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change.
ARCOS API Enhancements
Added getDeleted Flag to Crew API Calls
What is changing:
ARCOS has added the new “getDeleted” flag to a cm/audit, cm/sync, and cm/sync/crew calls. When
included, records that were deleted after the changedSince date will be included in the results.
With the changedSince parameter set, setting the getDeleted flag to “1” will enforce the use of
deleted_date on crew_def, lodging_def and resource_instance table the same was as changed_date.
Who is involved:
All ARCOS API customers with Crew Manager will receive this update.
What you need to do:
No further action is necessary to implement this change
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