RAPD-5494 - Shift Display Date Enhancement
ARCOS has added Shift Offset Date functionality for Open Shifts that are created from Shift Templates. Available in the SETTINGS tab, Location Administrators can set the Offset For Displaying Shift value when editing an existing or Creating a New Shift Template.
The Offset values available include:
- 0 = the shift will display as the actual day of the shift (corresponding to shift start time) i.e. a Tuesday shift remains a Tuesday shift.
- -1 = the shift will display as one day earlier than the shift start day i.e. a Tuesday shift will display as a Monday shift.
- +1 = the shift will display as one day later than the shift start day i.e. a Tuesday shift will display as a Wednesday shift.
Company Administrators must enable it by selecting the Edit Offset Date Settings link in the SETTINGS tab and checking the Allow Offset Date For Shift Templates box available.
RAPD-5594 - Pay Rule Sets History
Applicable for customers using RosterApps for Payroll (Time & Attendance): ARCOS has added the Pay Rule History link available to Company Administrators in the HISTORY tab. When selected, displays the list of all Pay Rule Sets associated with the Location. Selecting from this list displays any changes made to that Pay Rule Set such as Who made the change, What change was made, and When the change was made.
RAPD-7318 - Qualifications Display Order
The employee qualifications displayed in the QUALIFICATIONS tab available to Company Administrators are now displayed in alphabetical order.
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