RAPD-7634 - Traded Shift Away Breaks Consecutive Dependability Exceptions
ARCOS has added a Rule Exception option to the Dependability Rule Set to avoid the situation where a Traded Shift would Break the Consecutive Dependability Rule for an employee. The new "Prevent consecutive occurrence patterns from being broken by traded or unassigned shifts" option, when enabled, means that consecutive occurrence counts for that exception will no longer be broken if the employee has a shift removed. This option is disabled by default.
RAPD-8588 - Ability to Assign OT Reason When Extending a Shift
ARCOS has added the ability for Supervisors to assign an Overtime Reason when extending a shift directly in the Edit Shift window accessible from the Employee's calendar. In the Edit Shift window, when either of the From or To fields are edited to extend the shift, the user will now have the ability to assign a "Reason for the overtime" from the dropdown menu and add a "Comment" as well as the options to "Allow the employee to view comment in the calendar", "Do Not Add Hours to OT Bank", and "Indicate Junior Assignment" if Rule Settings allow.
The following issue has been resolved:
RAPD-8575 - AbsoluteUpdate is Reversed in UploadAccrualAccountData API
The AbsoluteUpdate values have been updated in their functionality in the UploadAccrualAccountData API:
AbsoluteUpdate: true = “set their balance to this”
AbsoluteUpdate: false = “increment their balance by this value”
Note: To maintain the existing functionality, clients using the SOAP version of this API will need to add an additional parameter to the call with a value of true: <ns:absoluteUpdate>true</ns:absoluteUpdate>
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