RAPD-5589 - Overlap Rules History UI
Applicable for customers using RosterApps for Payroll (Time & Attendance): ARCOS has added database tables to store and display the Overlap Rule History. Selecting the Overlap Rule History link from the HISTORY tab, as a Company Administrator, displays a list of Rules for the selected Location. Clicking any link from the list opens the history of changes made for the selected Overlap Rule such as Who made the change, When, and What change has been made.
RAPD-5596 - Classification History UI
Applicable for customers using RosterApps for Payroll (Time & Attendance): ARCOS has added database tables to store and display the Shift Classification Set History. Selecting the link from the HISTORY tab, as a Company Administrator, displays a list of Shift Classification Sets for the selected Location. Clicking any link from the list opens the history of changes made for the selected Shift Classification Set such as Who made the change, When, and What change was made.
RAPD-7510 - Payroll API - Need To Add Ability To Get Current Payroll Data
ARCOS has updated the GetPayDataForPayroll API to include unprocessed/un-run payroll data in the response. No action is required by the customer for this update.
RAPD-7671 - Assigned Shift List Now Showing All Associated Shifts
An update was made to ensure shifts that cross the midnight hour are included in the Associated Shifts column in the Assigning Shift screen.
RAPD-7697 - Empty Shift Messages Not Sent For Unassigned Shift During Transfer Or Terminate Actions
A Change was made to GetSchedules API to send empty shifts for employees that have been transferred or terminated during the window of data being requested via the API call.
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