RAPD-695 - Relief Shift Bidding Option (Part 1)
In preparation for the implementation of Relief Shift Bidding, the following changes have been made:
- The Bid Package Type column has been added to the Bid Package page which will include the "Standard" or "Relief" options.
- A Bid Package Type field has been added to the Edit Bid Package page displaying the selected value.
- A Bid Package Type field has been added to the Edit Bid Package Details page displaying the selected value.
RAPD-1448 - Update Accrual Account API to Use New Accrual Third Party Code
ARCOS now allows ThirdPartyCode, as displayed in the Accrual Accounts page, to be used in the UploadAccrualAccountData API call. The ThirdPartyCode value can now be specified in the AccrualAccountName field. Previously, the API was not referencing the ThirdPartyCode field from the UI.
RAPD-7563 - Block Trades: Trades should Not Have to be the Same Number of Shifts
ARCOS has addressed the issue of Trades with differentiating shifts but totaling the same amount of hours by adding the new Shift Rule Setting "Two Way Block Trade Must Be Same Number of Shifts" to the RULE SETS tab available to Company Administrators.
When only the "Two Way Block Trade Must Be Same Total Hours" Rule Set is enabled, the system will allow a block trade between two employees with different shift numbers but totaling the same amount of hours. For example: Employee A can trade a total of three 8-hour shifts to Employee B in exchange for two 12-hour shifts.
Conversely when only the "Two Way Block Trade Must Be Same Number of Shifts" Rule Set is enabled, the system will allow a trade between two employees for the same amount of shifts, total hours are irrelevant.
When both Rule Sets are enabled, the system will allow a block trade between two employees that have the same number of shifts and the same number of hours.
When both Rule Sets are disabled, the system will allow a block trade between two employees that have a different number of shifts being traded and a different number of total hours.
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