Selecting the Build icon opens the Job Description screen displaying the Points associated with the job, such as Pole, Under Ground facility, etc.
Each Point, when selected, displays the list of materials and instructions needed to complete the job.
Markups can be made by simply by tapping the step that needs to be updated. Selecting the compatible unit from the list opens the Edit Step dialog where the user can update quantities needed.
Once the update is Saved the step is updated in the list and the unit is highlighted to reflect the change.
Additional units can be added to the Step by tapping the Create Adder button available at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. These added units are displayed in the Adders section at the top of the list.
Steps within the point can be completed by swiping left on the listed step and tap the Complete button. To un-do this action, swipe again and tap the Un-Complete button.
The same action applies to the Points on the Job Description page. Swipe left to select Partial Complete or Full Complete for each listed Point.
When done, return to the Job List and select Release from the status menu for the assigned job.
Users can navigate between the point-by-point textual job description and the design locations on the map.
From the Job Description users can swipe right on any point to be taken to the design location for that point. From here, users can click Report to add point-specific notes or photographs or to see the live map (other crews, etc) and nearby as-built network.
From the step listing inside a point, you can click on the Map link to be take to the same place as above.
From the map, you can go back into the step-by-step job description for any selected proposed design point by clicking the Build icon. If you arrived here from the job description the point is already selected, so a single click on the Build icon will take you right back to where you were. Clicking on any proposed point will take you to its job description.
Clicking on the Build icon with no proposed points selected will simply take you to the top level list of construction points for this work request.
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