The Hotel Panel in the lodging mode is used to view the availability of a hotel and select room types when assigning lodging.
Screen items are listed below in the order they are pointed out in the above image from top to bottom from left to right.
Display Hotel Summary: Displays and hides the hotel summary chart.
Hotel Summary Chart: Displays a summary of available rooms and beds by room type. By default, the chart shows information for all hotels. If the user has hotels or rooms selected, the chart only displays information relative to their current selection.
Avail: The number of rooms that are available at the hotel.
Booked: The number of rooms that were booked/reserved.
Open: Number of rooms available to assign members to.
Spots: Number of beds available within the rooms.
Room Type Availability: Displays the availability in the hotel for the specified room type.
Hotel Select: Selects the hotel and all room types for the hotel.
Hotel Badges: These are badges that are setup in the view set to display at the hotel level. There are no ARCOS created hotel attributes, but attributes can be created to track any information needed about the hotel.
Room Type Select: Selects the room type for assignments.
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