Calculators allow Company Administrators to create a function to generate accrual hours earned by the employee on a periodic basis. The hours are then added to the employee’s accrual “bank” so that they can be used for future time off requests linked to the accrual account.
Accrual Calculators
Selecting the Accrual link opens the list of established Accrual Calculators within your company.
From this list the user can Edit or Delete any existing calculator by selecting the corresponding option available for each. In addition, the history of changes for a specific calculator can be viewed by selecting the History icon.
Clicking the + Add New link opens the Create New Accrual Calculator window. Here the user defines the settings and rules associated with the new accrual calculator starting with a Name (required) and Description if needed.
Enter the Accrual Rate (required), in hours, to be added to the accrual account at each frequency interval.
Select the Accrual Account, which account will receive the calculated accrued hours, from the dropdown menu.
Select the Frequency for which the hours will accrued. Valid values are Pay Period, Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, and Anniversary.
The Run on Frequency option allows the user to specify that the calculator should run separate from payroll. By default, when not selecting this option, the calculator will run immediately after payroll. This setting will be unavailable for selection when "Pay Period" is selected. This option will be automatically selected when "Daily" is selected.
If there is an amount of employment time required prior to accruing, enter the value in the Minimum Required Employment to Accrue field.
Selecting the Future Bank option allows the user to choose when the accrued time actually gets applied to the accrual account. Valid values for this settings are: Next pay period, Next month, Next quarter, Next year, Next anniversary, Next occurrence of date (must select a month/day).
If there is a Max accrual carry that can be reached before the hours must be used prior to accruing more, enter that value in this field. If there is no maximum, leave this field blank.
Check the Lump Sum option and enter an hours value to award a total amount of hours after their employment requirement is met. If selected, the calculator will only run once for the employee.
Check the Should enforce activity setting and enter a days and hours value to enforce the activity rule that states individuals must work a specific number days in a month with a specific number of hours per shift in order to be considered an active employee.
Check the Should enforce status setting to enforce the rule that states individuals must be in the statuses represented by the selected employee classifications (as described below) for a certain number of days (either all or an entered amount).
The Accrue by the Hour option applies the associated Pay Codes displayed in this section where the employee accrues by the hours worked for those Pay Codes multiplied by the rate of earning. Click the Plus icon to select from the available Pay Codes. Enter an hours value in the Maximum accrual earned field if the employee should be capped at a maximum number of hours they can accrue for a single run of the accrual calculator.
Selecting the Based on hours worked option allows the user to define and adjust the accrual rate based on the amount of hours worked. This is necessary if the rate of earnings changes based on how many hours the employee worked in the period. For example, working 20 hours might earn at only 50 percent of the rate of someone who works 40 hours.
The Years of service option allows users to restrict the employees that the calculator will run for based on how long the employee has been employed. Once selecting a Minimum year and Maximum years value, the user can also configure what date (As of) will be used for calculating the years of service.
Associated Employee Classifications can be specified to restrict employees that receive this accrual by their classification. This section displays the specified Employee Classification to be associated with the Accrual Calculator.
Click the Plus icon to add Employee Classifications.
Enter text in the Description field if desired.
Check the Active option to enable the accrual calculator.
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