When a Bid Round is selected the Bid Preference page opens displaying the vacation package details and the vacation slots available displayed by Month. The employee then then selects their bid preferences.
The details on this page include:
Filter - Allows the user to filter their options based on available shifts or selections available for only my shifts.
Bidding Information - Displays the requirements associated with the bid. Bidding Information defines how many selections in a preference are allowed, how many awards one may receive in a round, or other selection limitations.
Legend - Displays the list of symbols that may appear within the calendar associated with the Bid Package including:
Company Holiday - A date considered a Holiday by your company.
Exclude Date - A date that will not be included in the bid.
Employees - Displays the available number of employee slots remaining for the displayed shift.
Lead Roles - Displays the available number of lead role slots remaining for the displayed shift.
Scheduled Shift - Displays a shift the employee has scheduled to work.
Not Available - A date that is not available and cannot be included in the bid.
- Liability Group - A liability group is not exactly the same as a shift. A liability group may be associated with one or more shifts, but a shift can’t be associated with more than one liability group. The legend displays the Vacation Bid Group’s Liability Groups associated with the Bid Package as defined by the Location Administrator. For employee selections, if more than one is listed, it doesn’t matter which colored selection is clicked. The system internally will link the selection to the proper liability group based on the employee’s schedule and slot availability and use it when running the award process.
The options available above the calendar display the following:
Back - Clicking this button prior to any selections will return the user to the previous page. If a selection has been made a pop-up will display alerting the user of Unsaved Changes. Select Confirm to cancel any selections or Return to go back the Bid Preference page.
Weeks/Days Selected - Displays selections in current preference prior to adding to the cart vs. the number available per preference.
Add to Cart Button - When the available week has been clicked as a selection, clicking this button adds the selection to your cart.
View Cart - Click to view your preferences prior to submitting. Select the Expand All link to view details.
If enabled, the Exchange option is available in the Bid Preference Cart. While in the cart, users can select previously awarded days/weeks to exchange on each Preference by clicking the Exchange icon available in the Preference header.
Users can select the same previously awarded days/weeks to exchange on multiple Preferences within the Bid Round.
Users cannot select more days/weeks to exchange than what is in the Preference if the "Max number of days/weeks that can be exchanged cannot exceed number of days/weeks in Preference" setting is enabled by a Location Administrator.
The user can only exchange like or smaller units (days/weeks) that have been awarded. For example, if previous Round was weeks and current round is days, only days for which there are shifts in the previously awarded week can be exchanged.
Weeks can only be exchanged for weeks and days can only be exchanged for days OR days within a previously awarded week that have a shift. If a previous award was by week and the current Bid Round is by day then the exchange dialog will show only those days within that previously awarded week that have a shift on that day. If a previous award was by day and the current Bid Round is by day then it can be exchanged regardless if it has a shift or not.
Persist Bid - Enabling this option allows employees to Persist a Bid Preference.
Once Persistent Bid Preference is submitted, if edited by the employee later BEFORE another round is created, new rounds will pick up the revised version. However, if edited later AFTER another round is created, new rounds will NOT pick up the revised version.
Persistent Bid Preferences are automatically added to an employee's cart whenever a new Bid Round is created and the employee is selected to participate.
Persistent Bid Preferences when awarded, will not appear in future Bid Rounds. However, if an award is subsequently cleared, the preference will still persist to future Bid Rounds.
Persistent Bid Preferences with any selections outside the date range of a subsequent Bid Round will not persist.
Persistent Bid Preferences will be denoted in the employee's cart by the Persist icon as part of the preference.
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