From this page, users can create and maintain E-mail Templates used to support different Callout types and Alert types. They can also specify different templates to be used for full length versus condensed length devices, such as text pagers. Most text devices can only receive a limited number of characters in a message, necessitating the creation of a more condensed message than may be sent to an employee with regular e-mail capabilities.
When e-mails are sent out to employee devices for Callouts and Notifications, whether the employee receives a full text message or a "condensed/SMS text message is determined by a checkbox labeled "Condensed" on the Employee Modify screen.
The template used also correlates with whether the e-mail is part of a Callout or part of a Notification and different templates can be created and assigned to different callout types as well. The list of callout and notification types is dynamically populated, based on the callout and notification types that exist for the company. This information is maintained on the E-mail/Alerts page under the Sys Admin tab.
NOTE: SMS and Condensed e-mails will use the same template. These templates should be set as plain text to prevent any formatting issues on mobile devices.
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